BIOTOP - Biofuels Assessment on Technical Opportunities and Research Needs for Latin America Grant uri icon


  • The overall objective of the BioTop proposal is to identify technical opportunities and research needs for Latin America and to create and support specific RTD cooperation activities between Latin America and the European Union in order to maximize synergies in the biofuels sectors. Specific objectives are: - to provide a broad overview of the existing biofuel sectors in all Latin American countries. - to identify priorities, needs and opportunities in the field of RTD for sustainable biofuel production and biomass conversion technologies in Latin America; - to inform European and Latin American actors in the biofuel sector about opportunities for collaboration and partnerships; - to harmonize the agenda between Latin America and the EU on sustainable biofuel production; - to facilitate and advance mutual knowledge and technology transfer between biofuel stakeholders in LA and the EU; - to make recommendations on RTD and policies for the production and utilization of biomass conversion technologies. The BioTop project will provide a broad overview of the existing biofuels sector in Latin American counties, with focus on countries with special EU S&T agreements (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico). Key focus of the project will be the identification and assessment of improved 1st and 2nd generation biofuel conversion technologies. Sustainability, standardization and trade aspects of future large-scale biofuel production will be addressed, and RTD scenarios, roadmaps and recommendations will be developed. Exchanges between stakeholders active in research and development of biofuel conversion technologies will be promoted and BioTop activities will be effectively linked with existing networks and a large variety of stakeholders, target groups and key actors. Outcome of the BioTop project will be increased awareness about EU-LA opportunities for collaboration in the area of biofuels and the identification of suitable areas for biofuels RTD cooperation.

total award amount

  • 1285316