1. How do I include/update my personal profile in WheatVIVO?

Complete your details via this link

2. How do I include my organisation’s profile in WheatVIVO?

Complete your details via this link

3. How do I include my project in WheatVIVO?

Complete your details via this link

4. I’ve provided my details for inclusion in WheatVIVO, but I can’t find my profile.

On the home page, enter your name in the search box, alternatively click on the ‘People’ tab and search from there.

If you still can’t find your profile, please email wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de

5. I have a personal profile but I haven't 'signed up' to WheatVIVO, why is this?

WheatVIVO uses external databases (see Qn 14 for those used), to source information and this is where your personal profile information was obtained from. If your details are incorrect, you will need to update them with the relevant data source. Please email wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de if you need assistance with determining the data source.

6. My name is in multiple times in different formats, how do I fix this?

Please email wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de including all the different formats of your name, so they can be included as one entry. Please advise which format is your preference.

7. My personal profile is included but when I click on Publications, they are not complete.

Under the Publications tab, there will be a selection of your publications.

To view all your publications, click on the Identity tab and this will show your ORCID number, click on this to bring up your ORCID entry and all your publications.

If they are not up to date, you will need to update your publications on ORCID.

8. What is an ORCID ID and how do I get one?

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID ID) that you own and control and that identifies you from every other researcher.

Click here to register for an ORCID ID

9. How do I find my ORCID ID on my profile?

Click on the ‘Identity’ tab and your ORCID ID will be included there.

If the ‘Identity’ tab is not on your profile, please include your details via this link

10. My ORCID ID is not included/incorrect, how do I update this?

Please include your details via this link

11. My personal details have changed or are incorrect, how do I update this?

Please update your details via this link

12. I would like my personal profile from WheatVIVO signups removed from WheatVIVO, how do I do this?

Please email your request to wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de and your profile (from WheatVIVO signups only) will be removed from WheatVIVO.

13. How do I provide feedback on WheatVIVO?

Please email wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de with your feedback.

14. What are the data sources used for WheatVIVO?

The data sources used are: WheatVIVO sign ups, RCUK, ORCID, CORDIS, Florida, Openaire and Concepts.

15. How can I add a photograph to my personal profile?

Please email your photo to wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de

The photo should have the following specifications: the file must be JPEG, GIF or PNG; the maximum size to be 6 megabytes and the minimum image dimensions to be 200 x 200 pixels.

16. How do I sort results to see the newest items?

Type what you are searching for in the search box and click enter, eg 'articles'. Then, from the dropdown box, select 'newest'.

17. I have a question that is not on this list.

Please email wheatvivo@julius-kuehn.de with your question.