INROADS - INtelligent Renewable Optical ADvisory System (INROADS) Grant uri icon


  • This project aims to develop Intelligent Road Studs (IRS) combining LED lighting, sensor systems and communication technologies. The IRS will integrate renewable energy technologies that will fully or partially power the devices, making them self contained. The principle identified renewable technologies are solar photovoltaic and piezoelectric, although other sources will be investigated. Powering the units using renewable energy will reduce carbon emissions and allow for their use on sections of highway with no readily available power source. The integration of communication technology, and for certain applications, sensors within the individual units will enable enhanced traffic management and driver information and this will represent the significant step forward over existing systems, as the lights will be able to communicate with each other and with a central control. Intelligent Road Studs embedded across the highway will create a number of new intelligent lighting applications that will enable the more effective operation of the highway network, improve safety, and reduce CO2 emissions by maximising the use of the existing asset and reducing the need for additional road construction. The safety of the systems and the optimum positioning of the lights will be assured through human factors simulation, and assessed during a period of validation testing, initially of the units, and subsequently through a live trial. Development of appropriate devices will be based not only on the extensive combined experience within the group, but also through an advisory board comprised of road operators and experts, who will also extend the geographic range of the consortium. The potential for prompt delivery to market is strengthened considerably by the presence of Siemens, who have sales channels in over 20 countries.

total award amount

  • 3853305