CIBIO-NEW-GEN - Capacity building at CIBIO for research using Next-Gen Sequencing Completed Project uri icon


  • Focus of research in CIBIO is evolutionary biology, conservation genetics, and ecology in a conservation context. A large part of research lines employs the DNA level analysis of biological diversity. During the last years, new technologies arose in this field, which provide today the opportunity to generate new types of datasets with especially high information content for genome based investigation of biological diversity. The proposal of CIBIO has two main objectives: 1) to install new generation sequencing platforms and integrate the respective techniques in CIBIO scientists research, and 2) to equip the unit with the computer infrastructure necessary to handle the increasing amount of data and analytical procedures for downstream sequence analysis and for modeling approaches. This activity will be accompanied by strengthening our research staff and by training and exchange of expertise in collaboration with international partners. The acquisition and implementation of the new technologies and the development of the respective expertise will enable the institution to fully develop its potential in quality of research and international recognition.

date/time interval

  • January 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015