BESTF2 - Bioenergy Sustaining the Future 2 Grant uri icon


  • This ERA-NET_Plus Coordination and Support Action, BESTF, will bring together a number of national and transnational initiatives in the field of bioenergy. It follows on from the first BESTF call that launched in January 2013 and, like its predecessor, aims to kick-start large scale investment in close-to-market implementation of bioenergy thereby helping to achieve the key objectives of the European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative (EIBI) Implementation Plan. This project is aligned to the wider strategic European requirement to increase the security and sustainability of energy supply. The key objectives of this second BESTF initiative are: 1.To implement a single collaborative funding call that will support projects focused on the generation of bioenergy. 2.To maintain and enhance coherence and networking between national bioenergy programmes across the EU. 3.To further the demonstration of enhanced bioenergy technologies in order to help develop robust project plans for a range of demonstrator and flagship plants, that will help Europe to make progress towards achieving its 2016 and 2020 energy targets. 4.To disseminate knowledge gained from the programme and individual projects across the EU. The BESTF programme will support bioenergy demonstration projects that: •Address one or more of the seven EIBI bioenergy value chains detailed above. •Provide an innovative process or step within the value chain (see detail below). •Are at an appropriate stage of development (see detail on TRLs below), and will move into demonstration phase within the timeframe of the programme. •Are industry-led and will enable confidence to be confirmed in commercial scale application.

total award amount

  • 14553269