Record Biomap - Research Coordination for a Low-Cost Biomethane Production at Small and Medium Scale Applications Completed Project uri icon


  • "The objective of the project ""Research Coordination for a Low-Cost Biomethane Production at Small and Medium Scale Applications"", short Record Biomap, is to establish the most promising innovative process and technology solutions along the biomethane supply chain, from raw material/residues, substrate pre-treatment, digestion, gas conditioning/digestate further utilisation and digestate/fertilizer deployment for a cost and energy sufficient biomethane production and to support their development up to market uptake. To bridge the gap between research and market, a biomethane platform will be established to support the dissemination and exploitation of the knowledge ascertained in the project to the industry sector, the end users and other important stakeholders, and therefore to foster the use of research outcomes. An R&D strategy will lead the way forward into new project concepts. Answering to the scope of LCE 19-2014/2015 of the call of Competitive Low-Carbon Energy in the Horizon2020 work program, the wider goal of Record Biomap will be to accelerate innovation in small to medium scale biomethane production and therefore shorten the time to market of technology solutions which currently have the technical readiness level (TRL) of 3 to 5. The objectives of Record Biomap can be summarised as following: - Accelerate innovation and creation of an European market for small to medium scale biomethane supply through innovative technology and process solutions - Continuous R&D monitoring to bridge the gap between independent technology developers - Continuous knowledge transfer from science to market and policy decision makers and vice verca through building up a biomethane platform for intensive networking - Identification of different sources of private and public financing and bringing together of relevant stakeholders for a continuative development of a more cost and and energy efficient biomethane production at small to medium scale applications. "

date/time interval

  • April 1, 2016 - September 30, 2018
