HDHL-INTIMIC - ERA-Net on INtesTInal MICrobiomics, diet and health, implementing JPI HDHL objectives Completed Project uri icon


  • "HDHL-INTIMIC (INtesTInal MICrobiomics) is a proposal for an ERA-NET Cofund in the field of food, nutrition and health to support the Joint Programming Initiative ""A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life"" (JPI HDHL). There is a high burden of non-communicable diseases due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle patterns. The intestine and in particular the intestinal microbiota have an influence on metabolic processes, thereby contributing to the development of lifestyle-related diseases. The 26 members of the JPI HDHL are working together to develop means to (1) motivate people to adopt healthier lifestyles including dietary choices and physical activity, (2) develop and produce healthy, high-quality, safe and sustainable foods and (3) prevent diet-related diseases. Since 2012, JPI HDHL has implemented seven Joint Funding Actions (JFAs) with around 45 M€ national funding. In addition, the first ERA-NET Cofund under the umbrella of JPI HDHL, ERA-HDHL, has recently started, implementing an EC cofunded call on Biomarkers on Nutrition and Health with a committed budget of around 12 M€. Building on these achievements, HDHL-INTIMIC will now further enhance the collaboration between JPI member countries and between the JPI and the EC by providing a platform for implementing further JFAs that address the needs identified in the JPI HDHL Strategic Research Agenda. In particular, a transnational Knowledge Platform on the interrelation of diet, intestinal microbiomics and health will be implemented via an EC cofunded call and an additional JFA. For this, the JPI HDHL members countries have increased their financial commitments comparing to a previous JFA on a similar topic, including also new partners in these activities. Moreover, HDHL-INTIMIC will launch 1-2 other additional JFAs in line to fulfil JPI HDHL objectives."

date/time interval

  • December 1, 2016 - May 31, 2023
