ICT-AGRI-FOOD - ERA-NET Cofund on ICT-enabled agri-food systems Current Project uri icon


  • This proposal responds to topic “SFA-31-2019 A” of the work programme 2018-2020 of societal challenge 2 under Horizon 2020. The overall objective of “ICT-enabled agri-food systems” is strengthening the cooperation in research, development and innovation between EU Member and associated States to foster, verifiably and perceptibly, the use of smart digital technology to make European food systems more sustainable, resilient and secure. With financial support of the European Commission (EC), the proposing consortium will organise and fund joint calls for transnational research projects on an annual basis. Funded research projects will contribute to introducing and exploring digital technology that enhances the sustainability of the agri-food sector to the benefit of our and future generations. Beyond co-funded calls, other joint activities in this thematic area will be implemented, thus contributing to the establishment of a fair and societally accepted bioeconomy in the EU and beyond. The consortium will intensify, broaden and deepen the successful cooperation established in the framework of its predecessor FP7 ERA-NET; ICT-AGRI-2.

date/time interval

  • October 1, 2019 - March 31, 2025
