SOILdarity - Stepping up and bringing out the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in soil research of the University of Lisbon Grant uri icon


  • SOILdarity is a three-year project aiming to enhance scientific excellence in soil science. The project fosters the cooperation between two internationally leading research-intensive institutions and FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (FC.ID). FC.ID is a private non-profit association endowed with legal personality whose aim is to support and develop research and innovation activities of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CIÊNCIAS). CIÊNCIAS is a key research centre in soil science in Portugal. Within the framework of the Twinning exercise the beneficiary is FC.ID while CIÊNCIAS will be a linked third party to FC.ID. Soil ecosystems in Portugal face considerable challenges in the medium and long run ranging from climate change and erosion to over exploitation dynamics. By developing SOILdarity, FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS aims at boosting its research and innovation capacity and improving its know-how in precision agriculture and sustainable soil management through the knowledge-transfer dynamics established with the internationally leading research-intensive partners, i.e. MIGAL and the University of Ghent. The project lays down a sound scientific strategy on how to integrate soil ecology with cutting-edge soil and crop sensors, modelling and system control technology for sustainable soil management. The project methodology intervenes on four complementary levels: a) transfer of knowledge to FC.ID/CIÊNCIAS on key research challenges; b) reinforcing FC.ID and CIÊNCIAS’ positioning in the EU research arena, seeking new alliances with top R&I organisations; c) skill and capacity building for a new generation of young researchers, who will constitute the main capital of the Portuguese University in the years to come; and d) develop a stable framework dedicated to international cooperation and knowledge transfer.

total award amount

  • 899976.25