administers grant
- ABSTRESS - Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic and biotic stress
- AGENT - Activated GEnebank NeTwork
- AGROECOLOGY - European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures
- AtlantOS - Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System
- CLARA - Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels
- CORE Organic Cofund - Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems Cofund
- COUSIN - Crop Wild Relatives utilisation and conservation for sustainable agriculture
- CropYQualT-CEC - Development of novel technological approaches for a low-cost and reliable characterization of CROP Yield QUALity Traits of target crops grown under Changing Environmental Conditions
- DIVERSIFOOD - Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems
- DIVERSify - Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability
- Diverfarming - Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and chain organisation
- EJP SOIL - Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils
- EUPAHW - European Partnership Animal health and Welfare
- EuroSea - Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans
- FACCE SURPLUS - SUstainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems
- FutureFoodS - European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems
- GEO-CRADLE - Coordinating and integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS
- INCREASE - Intelligent Collections of Food Legumes Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems
- IPMorama - Integrating breeding for IPM into the deployment landscape for wheat, potatoes and grain legumes
- IWMPRAISE - Integrated Weed Management: PRActical Implementation and Solutions for Europe
- LEAP-AGRI - A long term EU-Africa research and innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture
- LEAP4FNSSA - Support to the implementation of the Long-term EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture
- LEGUMINOSE - Legume-cereal intercropping for sustainable agriculture across Europe
- LILAS4SOILS - Fostering Carbon Farming Practices through LIving LAbS in the Mediterranean and Southern EU for the healthy future of European SOILS
- MEDAPP - Medieval Appetites: food plants in multicultural Iberia (500-1100 CE)
- MINKE - Metrology for Integrated Marine Management and Knowledge-Transfer Network
- MUSA - Microbial Uptakes for Sustainable management of major bananA pests and diseases
- NextPerception - NextPerception - Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health, wellbeing, and automotive systems
- P4SB - P4SB – From Plastic waste to Plastic value using Pseudomonas putida Synthetic Biology
- POnTE - Pest Organisms Threatening Europe
- PRODIGIO - Developing early-warning systems for improved microalgae PROduction and anaerobic DIGestIOn
- PathoGelTrap - New Blue Revolution through a pioneering pathogen-trapping technology based on bioselective hydrogel-forming proteins
- REDIFUEL - Robust and Efficient processes and technologies for Drop In renewable FUELs for road transport
- RefreSCAR - Improved coordination of national and European bioeconomy research and innovation programmes in the ERA through strengthened SCAR Working Groups
- SHOWCASE - SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity
- SHui - Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems
- STEP UP - Sustainable Livestock Systems Transition and Evidence Platform for Upgrading Policies
- VetBioNet - Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation
- XF-ACTORS - Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy
- e-shape - EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe
- eLTER PLUS - European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure PLUS