DAW00247 - Improved genetic solutions for management of yellow spot in wheat°. Grant uri icon


  • This project is the second phase of a significant research effort to provide improved genetic solutions for yellow spot (YS) management. Following on from major achievements in phenotyping and development of resistant lines, the main aims of the second phase of the project are to: (i) critically appraise the effectiveness of yellow spot resistance genes by intensive multi-location and multi-year evaluation and ensure broad effectiveness with lines characterised for yield and quality attributes; and (ii) pyramid and develop resistance gene combination stocks in adapted elite backgrounds that are relevant to northern, southern and western region to determine optimal gene combinations. The project will generate the following outputs: (i) elite lines carrying a minimum of moderately resistant (MR) YS resistance from diverse sources characterised for yield and quality; (ii) annual assessments of YS population virulence; (iii) value of single and multiple QTL/genes conferring YS resistance determined across different genetic backgrounds and environments; (iv) new doubled haploid mapping populations targeting novel sources of YS resistance phenotyped at different growth stages, at various sites; and a MAGIC population developed as part of the previous project phenotyped for seedling resistance at various sites; (v) collation, identification, validation and cataloging of new but superior sources of YS resistance amongst wheat landraces, cultivars and elite breeding from CIMMYT and ICARDA germplasm; (vi) identification of genomic regions and haplotypes associated with resistance to a range of YS isolates; and (vii) perfect markers within two cM of the gene for at least three QTLs.

date/time interval

  • June 1, 2015 - December 31, 2020