DAW00256 - Building Crop Protection and Production Agronomy R&D Capacity in regional Western Australia Grant uri icon


  • The Western Australia (WA) grains industry has identified the need to develop regionally-based crop production and crop protection capability in WA with the skills to provide a wide range of advice to growers, grower groups and advisors. This project will recruit and develop critical research capacity within the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) to increase the level of R&D capability and coordination within each of five port zones in the Western Region. Regionally based crop production and protection teams, each consisting of a crop production agronomist, a crop protection generalist and supporting technical staff, will work within each of these port zones. They will become resources for identifying challenges and opportunities for improving production agronomy and crop protection. They assist in the design of regional development and extension responses to challenges and provide focussed advice for growers, grower groups and consultants. These teams will work closely with a range of industry support networks such as the Regional Cropping Solutions Networks (RCSN), Grower Groups, agribusiness and other research providers.

date/time interval

  • December 1, 2015 - June 30, 2021