
  • Triticale (X TriticosecaleWittmack) is a synthetic amphiploid cereal. It is a cross between Triticum species (AABB or AABBDD) and Secale cereal L. (RR). The first triticale was produced by Scottish botanist A. Stephen Wilson in 1875 when he succeeded in pollinating wheat with rye pollen. However, these triticale plants produced sterile pollen and hence could not produce viable offspring. Among the various types of triticale, hexaploid triticale (durum × rye) has been the most successful because of its superior vigour and reproductive stability. To study character association and genetic divergence twenty genotypes of triticale were grown during Rabi 2015-16 and 2016-17 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Significant genotypic differences were observed for all the traits in present study. The grain yield/plot had highly significant and positive association with protein content, sedimentation value and thousand grain weight in pooled data. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for grain yield, protein content, phenol reaction score and sedimentation value. Based on relative magnitude of genetic distances, twenty genotypes were grouped into 5 clusters. The clusters I comprising of 6 germplasm lines followed by cluster II and III consisting of 2, 3 germplasm lines, cluster IV and V both contained 4 germplasm lines each, respectively. The maximum inter-cluster distance was observed cluster I and V (4.95) followed by cluster II and V (4.25) and cluster III and V (4.59). The maximum intra-cluster distance was observed for cluster II (3.08) followed by cluster IV (2.69) and cluster I (2.51). Path analysis revealed that characters such as protein content, test weight and 1000 grain weight were the major component traits of grain yield. The D2 analysis indicated that various grain yield contributing traits viz. test weight, 1000 grain weight and grain appearance score, contributed more than 70% of the total genetic divergence. The genotypes T3940, T3949, T3973, T3974, T3975 and T3979 selected from various divergent clusters were identified as promising on the basis of genetic divergence and per se performance for several quality traits and can be used in future breeding programme for improving grain yield and component traits in order to enhance the triticale productivity.

publication date

  • July 2019