Adequate stand establishment of hard red spring wheat (HRSW) (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.) is important for two reasons. First, plant stand impacts yield. Although HRSW is capable of tillering to fill in gaps that may occur with poor stands, there is a narrow range in plant populations for optimum yield. Secondly, seed is an important input cost. Seeds that are planted but do not develop to maturity represents a waste of resources. Percentage of viable wheat seed planted that produced seedlings was determined by surveying HRSW fields during the 2017, 2018, and 2019 growing seasons. Management factors such as seeding rate, cultivar, seed treatment, tillage, fertilizer, equipment and planting information were gathered from farmers. After emergence, actual stand counts were made after emergence. Survey data allows identification of key management factors influencing stand establishment. Many farmers in the survey do not plant considering a target plant population, but instead an average weight of seeds per acre. A wide range of plant populations were found, many below the target plant population.