research area of
- Berindean, Ioana Virginia
- Brandstetter, Anton
- Buerstmayr, Hermann, Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Tulln, Austria
- Buerstmayr, Maria, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Tulln, Austria
- Costin, Alexandru
- Dumalasova, Veronika
- Fallbacher, Iris
- Gahtyari, Navin C., ICAR-IIWBR
- Geppner, Manuela
- Grausgruber, Heinrich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Grausgruber, Heinrich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Habekuß, Antje
- He, Xinyao, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico
- He, Xinyao, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico
- Lunzer, Magdalena
- Lunzer, Magdalena
- Mahapatra, Sunita, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
- Muntean, L., University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad
- Müllner, A
- Ona, Andreea Daniela
- Ordon, Frank, Julius Kuhn Institut
- Pfatrisch, Kilian
- Pfrieme, Anne-Kathrin
- Pillen, Klaus, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Halle-Saale, Germany
- Racz, Ionut, University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad
- Rida, Soumeya
- Roy, Chandan, Bihar Agricultural University
- Ruckwied, Britta
- Singh, P, Division of Genetics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
- Singh, P, Division of Genetics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
- Stahl, Andreas, University of Giessen
- Stahl, Andreas, University of Giessen
- Stefan, Maria Floriana
- Taoutaou, Abdelmoumen
- Will, Torsten