publication venue for
- A diverse panel of 755 bread wheat accessions harbors untapped genetic diversity in landraces and reveals novel genetic regions conferring powdery mildew resistance 2024
- Analysis of a global wheat panel reveals a highly diverse introgression landscape and provides evidence for inter-homoeologue chromosomal recombination 2024
- Diversity in bread and durum wheat stigma morphology and linkage of increased stigma length to dwarfing gene Rht14 2024
- Mapping rust resistance in European winter wheat: many QTLs for yellow rust resistance, but only a few well characterized genes for stem rust resistance 2024
- Stacking beneficial haplotypes from the Vavilov wheat collection to accelerate breeding for multiple disease resistance 2024
- Comparison of linear and semi-parametric models incorporating genomic, pedigree, and associated loci information for the prediction of resistance to stripe rust in an Austrian winter wheat breeding program 2023
- Genome wide association in Spanish bread wheat landraces identifies six key genomic regions that constitute potential targets for improving grain yield related traits. 2023
- Image-based phenomic prediction can provide valuable decision support in wheat breeding 2023
- Pyramiding Fusarium head blight resistance QTL from T. aestivum, T. dicoccum and T. dicoccoides in durum wheat 2023
- Two major quantitative trait loci control wheat dwarf virus resistance in four related winter wheat populations 2023
- Updated guidelines for gene nomenclature in wheat 2023
- Wheat (Triticum aestivum) chromosome 6D harbours the broad spectrum common bunt resistance gene Bt11 2023
- A multi-environment framework to evaluate the adaptation of wheat (Triticum aestivum) to heat stress 2022
- Adult plant stem rust resistance in durum wheat Glossy Huguenot: mapping, marker development and validation 2022
- Breeding oat for resistance to the crown rust pathogen Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: achievements and prospects 2022
- Correction to: Adult plant stem rust resistance in durum wheat Glossy Huguenot: mapping, marker development and validation (Theoretical and Applied Genetics, (2022), 135, 5, (1541-1550), 10.1007/s00122-022-04052-9) 2022
- Genetic architecture of fusarium head blight disease resistance and associated traits in Nordic spring wheat 2022
- Genetic networks underlying salinity tolerance in wheat uncovered with genome-wide analyses and selective sweeps. 2022
- Genome-based prediction of agronomic traits in spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems 2022
- Genome-based prediction of agronomic traits in spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems 2022
- Genome-wide association mapping identifies common bunt (Tilletia caries) resistance loci in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) accessions of the USDA National Small Grains Collection 2022
- Genome-wide superior alleles, haplotypes and candidate genes associated with tolerance on sodic-dispersive soils in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2022
- Haplotype variants of the stripe rust resistance gene Yr28 in Aegilops tauschii 2022
- Main effect and epistatic QTL affecting spike shattering and association with plant height revealed in two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) populations 2022
- Main effect and epistatic QTL affecting spike shattering and association with plant height revealed in two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) populations 2022
- Multi-donor x elite-based populations reveal QTL for low-lodging in wheat 2022
- Plant breeding for increased sustainability: challenges, opportunities and progress 2022
- Separation of the effects of two reduced height (Rht) genes and genomic background to select for less Fusarium head blight of short-strawed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties 2022
- The effect of the Rht1 haplotype on Fusarium head blight resistance in relation to type and level of background resistance and in combination with Fhb1 and Qfhs.ifa-5A 2022
- Breeding crops for climate resilience 2021
- Breeding for drought and heat tolerance in wheat 2021
- Breeding progress of disease resistance and impact of disease severity under natural infections in winter wheat variety trials 2021
- Characterization of wheat curl mite resistance gene Cmc4 in OK05312 2021
- Climate change will influence disease resistance breeding in wheat in Northwestern Europe 2021
- Comparative mapping and validation of multiple disease resistance QTL for simultaneously controlling common and dwarf bunt in bread wheat 2021
- Discovery and fine mapping of Rph28: a new gene conferring resistance to Puccinia hordei from wild barley 2021
- Early prediction of biomass in hybrid rye based on hyperspectral data surpasses genomic predictability in less-related breeding material 2021
- Exploiting genetic diversity in two European maize landraces for improving Gibberella ear rot resistance using genomic tools 2021
- Genetic analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum) adaptation to heat stress 2021
- Genomic prediction of agronomic traits in wheat using different models and cross-validation designs 2021
- Genomic prediction of agronomic traits in wheat using different models and cross-validation designs 2021
- Genomic signatures of selection for resistance to stripe rust in Austrian winter wheat 2021
- Genotyping crossing parents and family bulks can facilitate cost-efficient genomic prediction strategies in small-scale line breeding programs 2021
- Intercontinental trials reveal stable QTL for Northern corn leaf blight resistance in Europe and in Brazil 2021
- Long-term breeding progress of yield, yield-related, and disease resistance traits in five cereal crops of German variety trials 2021
- Lr80: A new and widely effective source of leaf rust resistance of wheat for enhancing diversity of resistance among modern cultivars 2021
- Mapping and validating stem rust resistance genes directly in self-incompatible genetic resources of winter rye 2021
- Physical mapping of QTL associated with agronomic and end-use quality traits in spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems 2021
- Physical mapping of QTL associated with agronomic and end-use quality traits in spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems 2021
- Quinoa genome assembly employing genomic variation for guided scaffolding 2021
- Snow mold of winter cereals: a complex disease and a challenge for resistance breeding 2021
- TdPm60 identified in wild emmer wheat is an ortholog of Pm60 and constitutes a strong candidate for PmG16 powdery mildew resistance 2021
- Wheat root systems as a breeding target for climate resilience. 2021
- Exploiting the genome of Thinopyrum elongatum to expand the gene pool of hexaploid wheat 2020
- Fine mapping of leaf rust resistance gene Rph13 from wild barley 2020
- Genetic analyses of native Fusarium head blight resistance in two spring wheat populations identifies QTL near the B1, Ppd-D1, Rht-1, Vrn-1, Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5 loci 2020
- Genetic analyses of native Fusarium head blight resistance in two spring wheat populations identifies QTL near the B1, Ppd-D1, Rht-1, Vrn-1, Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5 loci 2020
- Grain protein content and thousand kernel weight QTLs identified in a durum$\times$ wild emmer wheat mapping population tested in five environments 2020
- Integration of genotypic, hyperspectral, and phenotypic data to improve biomass yield prediction in hybrid rye 2020
- Molecular genetics of leaf rust resistance in wheat and barley 2020
- Molecular tracking of multiple disease resistance in a winter wheat diversity panel 2020
- QTL analysis and fine mapping of a QTL for yield-related traits in wheat grown in dry and hot environments 2020
- QTL mapping and successful introgression of the spring wheat-derived QTL Fhb1 for Fusarium head blight resistance in three European triticale populations 2020
- Transcriptomics, chromosome engineering and mapping identify a restorer-of-fertility region in the CMS wheat system msH1 2020
- A breeding strategy targeting the secondary gene pool of bread wheat: introgression from a synthetic hexaploid wheat 2019
- A strategy for identifying markers linked with stem rust resistance in wheat harbouring an alien chromosome introgression from a non-sequenced genome 2019
- Accuracy of within- and among-family genomic prediction for Fusarium head blight and Septoria tritici blotch in winter wheat 2019
- An experimental approach for estimating the genomic selection advantage for Fusarium head blight and Septoria tritici blotch in winter wheat 2019
- Combining grain yield, protein content and protein quality by multi-trait genomic selection in bread wheat 2019
- Contribution of recent technological advances to future resistance breeding 2019
- Development and validation of an exome-based SNP marker set for identification of the St, Jr and Jvs genomes of Thinopyrym intermedium in a wheat background. 2019
- Effects of Rht-B1 and Ppd-D1 loci on pollinator traits in wheat 2019
- Exploring and exploiting the genetic variation of Fusarium head blight resistance for genomic-assisted breeding in the elite durum wheat gene pool 2019
- Fine mapping of Aegilops peregrina co-segregating leaf and stripe rust resistance genes to distal-most end of 5DS 2019
- Fine mapping of Rha2 in barley reveals candidate genes for resistance against cereal cyst nematode 2019
- Fine-mapping of the Fusarium head blight resistance QTL Qfhs.ifa-5A identifies two resistance QTL associated with anther extrusion 2019
- Genomics-assisted breeding for ear rot resistances and reduced mycotoxin contamination in maize: methods, advances and prospects 2019
- High-throughput phenotyping platforms enhance genomic selection for wheat grain yield across populations and cycles in early stage 2019
- Integrating genomic-enabled prediction and high-throughput phenotyping in breeding for climate-resilient bread wheat 2019
- Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with common bunt resistance in a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Lillian 2019
- Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with common bunt resistance in a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Lillian 2019
- Simultaneous selection for grain yield and protein content in genomics-assisted wheat breeding 2019
- The effects of training population design on genomic prediction accuracy in wheat. 2019
- A multiple near isogenic line (multi-NIL) RNA-seq approach to identify candidate genes underpinning QTL 2018
- Characterisation of Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes through genome-wide introgressions into wheat. 2018
- Correction to: Improving the baking quality of bread wheat by genomic selection in early generations (Theoretical and Applied Genetics, (2018), 131, 2, (477-493), 10.1007/s00122-017-2998-x) 2018
- Genome-wide association mapping for resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust and tan spot in wheat reveals potential candidate genes 2018
- Improving the baking quality of bread wheat by genomic selection in early generations 2018
- Mapping of novel salt tolerance QTL in an Excalibur × Kukri doubled haploid wheat population 2018
- Pyramiding of transgenic Pm3 alleles in wheat results in improved powdery mildew resistance in the field 2018
- Rht24 reduces height in the winter wheat population ‘Solitär × Bussard’ without adverse effects on Fusarium head blight infection 2018
- Unlocking the diversity of genebanks: whole-genome marker analysis of Swiss bread wheat and spelt 2018
- Characterization of Lr75: a partial, broad-spectrum leaf rust resistance gene in wheat 2017
- Cytogenetic mapping of a major locus for resistance to Fusarium head blight and crown rot of wheat on Thinopyrum elongatum 7EL and its pyramiding with valuable genes from a Th. ponticum homoeologous arm onto bread wheat 7DL 2017
- Development and validation of KASP markers for the greenbug resistance gene Gb7 and the Hessian fly resistance gene H32 in wheat 2017
- Fine mapping of the chromosome 5B region carrying closely linked rust resistance genes Yr47 and Lr52 in wheat 2017
- Fine mapping of the restorer gene Rfp3 from an Iranian primitive rye (Secale cereale L.) 2017
- Genetic analysis and mapping of adult plant resistance loci to leaf rust in durum wheat cultivar Bairds 2017
- Genome-wide association study for agronomic and physiological traits in spring wheat evaluated in a range of heat prone environments 2017
- Genomic and pedigree-based prediction for leaf, stem, and stripe rust resistance in wheat 2017
- Genomic assisted selection for enhancing line breeding: merging genomic and phenotypic selection in winter wheat breeding programs with preliminary yield trials 2017
- High accuracy of predicting hybrid performance of Fusarium head blight resistance by mid-parent values in wheat 2017
- Investigating successive Australian barley breeding populations for stable resistance to leaf rust 2017
- Loci on chromosomes 1A and 2A affect resistance to tan (yellow) spot in wheat populations not segregating for tsn1 2017
- Low validation rate of quantitative trait loci for Gibberella ear rot resistance in European maize 2017
- QTL mapping and comparative genome analysis of agronomic traits including grain yield in winter rye 2017
- QTL mapping identifies a major locus for resistance in wheat to Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps) feeding at the vegetative growth stage 2017
- QTL mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in three related durum wheat populations 2017
- Quantitative trait loci for resistance to stripe rust of wheat revealed using global field nurseries and opportunities for stacking resistance genes 2017
- Rice NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE 2 expression improves dietary iron and zinc levels in wheat 2017
- Choice of models for QTL mapping with multiple families and design of the training set for prediction of Fusarium resistance traits in maize 2016
- Complementary resistance genes in wheat selection ‘Avocet R’ confer resistance to stripe rust 2016
- Distribution and haplotype diversity of WKS resistance genes in wild emmer wheat natural populations 2016
- From phenotype to genotype: celebrating 150 years of Mendelian genetics in plant breeding research 2016
- Genetic analysis of developmental and adaptive traits in three doubled haploid populations of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2016
- Genomic selection across multiple breeding cycles in applied bread wheat breeding 2016
- Identification and genetic mapping of PmAF7DS a powdery mildew resistance gene in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2016
- Multiple-trait- and selection indices-genomic predictions for grain yield and protein content in rye for feeding purposes 2016
- Sequence diversification in recessive alleles of two host factor genes suggests adaptive selection for bymovirus resistance in cultivated barley from East Asia. 2016
- Suppressed recombination and unique candidate genes in the divergent haplotype encoding Fhb1, a major Fusarium head blight resistance locus in wheat 2016
- Addition of rye chromosome 4R to wheat increases anther length and pollen grain number 2015
- Comparative mapping of quantitative trait loci for Fusarium head blight resistance and anther retention in the winter wheat population Capo × Arina 2015
- Fine mapping of powdery mildew resistance genes PmTb7A.1 and PmTb7A.2 in Triticum boeoticum (Boiss.) using the shotgun sequence assembly of chromosome 7AL 2015
- Fine-mapping of a major QTL controlling angular leaf spot resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 2015
- Genome-wide DArT and SNP scan for QTL associated with resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in elite ICARDA wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm 2015
- Identification and characterization of pleiotropic and co-located resistance loci to leaf rust and stripe rust in bread wheat cultivar Sujata 2015
- Multi-environment multi-QTL association mapping identifies disease resistance QTL in barley germplasm from Latin America 2015
- Resistance to wheat yellow mosaic virus in Madsen wheat is controlled by two major complementary QTLs 2015
- The genetic basis of resistance to barley grass yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. pseudo-hordei) in Australian barley cultivars 2015
- A consensus map for Ug99 stem rust resistance loci in wheat 2014
- Association between line per se and testcross performance for eight agronomic and quality traits in winter rye 2014
- Characterisation and mapping of gene Lr73 conferring seedling resistance to Puccinia triticina in common wheat 2014
- Effect of a rye dwarfing gene on plant height, heading stage, and Fusarium head blight in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack) 2014
- Genetic analyses of BaMMV/BaYMV resistance in barley accession HOR4224 result in the identification of an allele of the translation initiation factor 4e (Hv-eIF4E) exclusively effective against Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV). 2014
- Genetic control of grain yield and grain physical characteristics in a bread wheat population grown under a range of environmental conditions 2014
- Genome-wide marker development for the wheat D genome based on single nucleotide polymorphisms identified from transcripts in the wild wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii 2014
- High-resolution analysis of a QTL for resistance to Stagonospora nodorum glume blotch in wheat reveals presence of two distinct resistance loci in the target interval 2014
- Lr67/Yr46 confers adult plant resistance to stem rust and powdery mildew in wheat 2014
- Mapping of quantitative adult plant field resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust in two European winter wheat populations reveals co-location of three QTL conferring resistance to both rust pathogens. 2014
- Molecular mapping of an adult plant stem rust resistance gene Sr56 in winter wheat cultivar Arina 2014
- Resistance to stem rust Ug99 in six bread wheat cultivars maps to chromosome 6DS 2014
- Variation in genome composition of blue-aleurone wheat 2014
- Comparative next-generation mapping of the Phytophthora infestans resistance gene Rpi-dlc2 in a European accession of Solanum dulcamara 2013
- Genetic mapping of QTL for resistance to Fusarium head blight spread (type 2 resistance) in a Triticum dicoccoides × Triticum durum backcross-derived population 2013
- Hybrid rye performance under natural drought stress in Europe 2013
- Identification of quantitative trait loci in rye introgression lines carrying multiple donor chromosome segments 2013
- Linkage mapping and identification of QTL affecting deoxynivalenol (DON) content (Fusarium resistance) in oats (Avena sativa L.). 2013
- Marker-trait associations in Virginia Tech winter barley identified using genome-wide mapping 2013
- Molecular characterization of field resistance to Fusarium head blight in two US soft red winter wheat cultivars. 2013
- Multi-environment analysis and improved mapping of a yield-related QTL on chromosome 3B of wheat 2013
- PCR and sequence analysis of barley chromosome 2H subjected to the gametocidal action of chromosome 2C 2013
- QTL analysis of the spring wheat "Chapio" identifies stable stripe rust resistance despite inter-continental genotype × environment interactions 2013
- QTL for root angle and number in a population developed from bread wheats (Triticum aestivum) with contrasting adaptation to water-limited environments 2013
- QTL mapping of slow-rusting, adult plant resistance to race Ug99 of stem rust fungus in PBW343/Muu RIL population 2013
- Quantitative trait loci of stripe rust resistance in wheat. 2013
- Quantitative trait loci of stripe rust resistance in wheat. 2013
- Quantitative trait loci of stripe rust resistance in wheat. 2013
- Recent emergence of the wheat Lr34 multi-pathogen resistance: Insights from haplotype analysis in wheat, rice, sorghum and Aegilops tauschii 2013
- A high-density consensus map of A and B wheat genomes 2012
- A second 'overexpression' allele at the Glu-B1 high-molecular-weight glutenin locus of wheat: Sequence characterisation and functional effects 2012
- Analysis of leaf and stripe rust severities reveals pathotype changes and multiple minor QTLs associated with resistance in an Avocet ? Pastor wheat population 2012
- Detection of two major grain yield QTL in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under heat, drought and high yield potential environments 2012
- Development of wild barley (Hordeum chilense)-derived DArT markers and their use into genetic and physical mapping 2012
- Genetic dissection of grain yield and physical grain quality in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water-limited environments 2012
- Identification and characterization of a novel powdery mildew resistance gene PmG3M derived from wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides 2012
- Identification and mapping of two powdery mildew resistance genes in Triticum boeoticum L. 2012
- Identification of novel quantitative trait loci for days to ear emergence and flag leaf glaucousness in a bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) population adapted to southern Australian conditions 2012
- Inheritance and molecular mapping of a gene conferring seedling resistance against Puccinia hordei in the barley cultivar Ricardo 2012
- Introgression and pyramiding into common bean market class fabada of genes conferring resistance to anthracnose and potyvirus 2012
- Lr68: A new gene conferring slow rusting resistance to leaf rust in wheat 2012
- Mapping of QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance and morphological and developmental traits in three backcross populations derived from Triticum dicoccum × Triticum durum 2012
- Advanced backcross qtl mapping of resistance to fusarium head blight and plant morphological traits in a triticum macha 3 T. aestivum population 2011
- Association mapping and gene-gene interaction for stem rust resistance in CIMMYT spring wheat germplasm 2011
- Covariation between line and testcross performance for reduced mycotoxin concentrations in European maize after silk channel inoculation of two Fusarium species 2011
- Genetic structure and relationships within and between cultivated and wild sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in Kenya as revealed by microsatellite markers 2011
- Mapping QTLs with main and epistatic effects underlying grain yield and heading time in soft winter wheat 2011
- Mapping Rph20: A gene conferring adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley 2011
- Mapping genes Lr53 and Yr35 on the short arm of chromosome 6B of common wheat with microsatellite markers and studies of their association with Lr36 2011
- New slow-rusting leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr67 and Yr46 in wheat are pleiotropic or closely linked 2011
- Rapid linkage disequilibrium decay in the Lr10 gene in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) populations 2011
- Identification and mapping of PmG16, a powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer wheat 2010
- Mapping of QTLs for morpho-agronomic and seed quality traits in a RIL population of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 2010
- Population parameters for resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium verticillioides ear rot among large sets of early, mid-late and late maturing European maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines 2010
- QTLs for the elongation of axile and lateral roots of maize in response to low water potential 2010
- Comparative mapping of DNA sequences in rye (Secale cereale L.) in relation to the rice genome 2009
- Development and assessment of simple PCR markers for SNP genotyping in barley 2009
- Development of intron-flanking EST markers for the Lolium/Festuca complex using rice genomic information 2009
- Differential gene expression of related wheat lines with contrasting levels of head blight resistance after Fusarium graminearum inoculation 2009
- Gene-specific markers for the wheat gene Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 which confers resistance to multiple fungal pathogens 2009
- Genetic and physical mapping of new EST-derived SSRs on the A and B genome chromosomes of wheat 2009
- High-resolution melting analysis of cDNA-derived PCR amplicons for rapid and cost-effective identification of novel alleles in barley. 2009
- Identification and characterization of a novel host-toxin interaction in the wheat-Stagonospora nodorum pathosystem 2009
- Localization of anchor loci representing five hundred annotated rice genes to wheat chromosomes using PLUG markers 2009
- Molecular identification of a new powdery mildew resistance gene Pm41 on chromosome 3BL derived from wild emmer (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) 2009
- Molecular mapping of leaf rust resistance gene Rph14 in Hordeum vulgare 2009
- Physical analysis of the complex rye (Secale cereale L.) Alt4 aluminium (aluminum) tolerance locus using a whole-genome BAC library of rye cv. Blanco 2009
- QTL detection with bidirectional and unidirectional selective genotyping: Marker-based and trait-based analyses 2009
- Quantitative trait loci conferring grain mineral nutrient concentrations in durum wheat x wild emmer wheat RIL population 2009
- Selection strategies for the development of rye introgression libraries 2009
- Testcross performance of rye introgression lines developed by marker-assisted backcrossing using an Iranian accession as donor 2009
- Establishment of introgression libraries in hybrid rye (Secale cereale L.) from an Iranian primitive accession as a new tool for rye breeding and genomics 2008
- Fine scale genetic and physical mapping using interstitial deletion mutants of Lr34 /Yr18: A disease resistance locus effective against multiple pathogens in wheat 2008
- Genetic diversity among oat varieties of worldwide origin and associations of AFLP markers with quantitative traits 2008
- Genetic variation for resistance to ergot (Claviceps purpurea [Fr.] Tul.) among full-sib families of five populations of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) 2008
- High-density genetic map of durum wheat x wild emmer wheat based on SSR and DArT markers 2008
- Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium head blight in three European winter wheat populations 2008
- Mapping of adult plant stripe rust resistance genes in diploid A genome wheat species and their transfer to bread wheat 2008
- Marker-based introduction of three quantitative-trait loci conferring resistance to Fusarium head blight into an independent elite winter wheat breeding population 2008
- Molecular mapping and intra-cluster recombination between anthracnose race-specific resistance genes in the common bean differential cultivars Mexico 222 and Widusa 2008
- Molecular mapping of the novel powdery mildew resistance gene Pm36 introgressed from Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides in durum wheat 2008
- Quantitative trait loci for grain fructan concentration in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2008
- Quantitative trait loci for slow-rusting resistance in wheat to leaf rust and stripe rust identified with multi-environment analysis 2008
- REML approach for adjusting the Fusarium head blight rating to a phenological date in inoculated selection experiments of wheat 2008
- Structures of the three homoeologous loci of wheat benzoxazinone biosynthetic genes TaBx3 and TaBx4 and characterization of their promoter sequences 2008
- The adult plant rust resistance loci Lr34/Yr18 and Lr46/Yr29 are important determinants of partial resistance to powdery mildew in bread wheat line Saar 2008
- A genetic linkage map of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and localization of genes for specific resistance to six races of anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) 2007
- A high density barley microsatellite consensus map with 775 SSR loci 2007
- An integrated molecular linkage map of diploid wheat based on a Triticum boeoticum x T. monococcum RIL population 2007
- Association mapping of Stagonospora nodorum blotch resistance in modern European winter wheat varieties 2007
- Fine mapping and targeted SNP survey using rice-wheat gene colinearity in the region of the Bo1 boron toxicity tolerance locus of bread wheat 2007
- Genetic dissection of grain yield in bread wheat. I. QTL analysis 2007
- Genetic dissection of grain yield in bread wheat. II. QTL-by-environment interaction 2007
- Identification of QTLs for resistance to Fusarium head blight, DON accumulation and associated traits in the winter wheat variety Arina 2007
- Physical mapping and identification of a candidate for the leaf rust resistance gene Lr1 of wheat 2007
- QTL associated with Fusarium head blight resistance in the soft red winter wheat Ernie 2007
- The M flax rust resistance pre-mRNA is alternatively spliced and contains a complex upstream untranslated region 2007
- Detection of QTLs for grain protein content in durum wheat 2006
- Development of functional markers specific for seven Pm3 resistance alleles and their validation in the bread wheat gene pool 2006
- Development of simple sequence repeat markers specific for the Lr34 resistance region of wheat using sequence information from rice and Aegilops tauschii 2006
- Erratum: Detection of QTLs for grain protein content in durum wheat (Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2006) 112 (1195-1204) DOI 10.1007/s00122-006-0221-6) 2006
- Genetic mapping and BAC assignment of EST-derived SSR markers shows non-uniform distribution of genes in the barley genome 2006
- Identification of genetic loci associated with ear-emergence in bread wheat 2006
- Leaf tip necrosis, molecular markers and β1-proteasome subunits associated with the slow rusting resistance genes Lr46/Yr29 2006
- Molecular genetic characterization of the Lr34/Yr18 slow rusting resistance gene region in wheat 2006
- Stacking quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head blight resistance from non-adapted sources in an European elite spring wheat background and assessing their effects on deoxynivalenol (DON) content and disease severity 2006
- The genetic control of milling yield, dough rheology and baking quality of wheat 2006
- Effect of population size on the estimation of QTL: A test using resistance to barley stripe rust 2005
- Genetic basis of barley caryopsis dormancy and seedling desiccation tolerance at the germination stage 2005
- High-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) stripe rust resistance gene Yr36 from Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides is closely linked to the grain protein content locus Gpc-B1 2005
- Inheritance of Fusarium head blight resistance in the soft red winter wheat Ernie 2005
- Inheritance of field resistance to Stagonospora nodorum leaf and glume blotch and correlations with other morphological traits in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2005
- Molecular mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in the winter wheat population Dream/Lynx 2005
- Dissection of quantitative and durable leaf rust resistance in Swiss winter wheat reveals a major resistance QTL in the Lr34 chromosomal region 2004
- Durum wheat as a candidate for the unknown female progenitor of bread wheat: An empirical study with a highly fertile F1 hybrid with Aegilops tauschii Coss 2004
- Identification and genetic characterization of an Aegilops tauschii ortholog of the wheat leaf rust disease resistance gene Lr1 2004
- Molecular mapping of resistance to Fusarium head blight in the spring wheat cultivar Frontana 2004
- QTL analysis of resistance to Fusarium head blight in Swiss winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2004
- An integrative genetic linkage map of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2003
- Chromosomal location of a Triticum dicoccoides-derived powdery mildew resistance gene in common wheat by using microsatellite markers 2003
- Construction and characterization of a half million clone BAC library of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) 2003
- Detection of QTLs for Stagonospora glume blotch resistance in Swiss winter wheat 2003
- Development of PCR-based markers linked to dominant genes for male-fertility restoration in Pampa CMS of rye (Secale cereale L.) 2003
- High-resolution mapping of the leaf rust disease resistance gene Lr1 in wheat and characterization of BAC clones from the Lr1 locus 2003
- Molecular mapping of QTLs for Fusarium head blight resistance in spring wheat. II. Resistance to fungal penetration and spread 2003
- Precise mapping of a locus affecting grain protein content in durum wheat 2003
- Genetic mapping of 66 new microsatellite (SSR) loci in bread wheat 2002
- Microsatellite polymorphism in natural populations of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, in Israel 2002
- Molecular mapping of QTLs for Fusarium head blight resistance in spring wheat. I. Resistance to fungal spread (type II resistance) 2002
- QTLs affecting kernel size and shape in a two-rowed by six-rowed barley cross 2002
- A diagnostic molecular marker allowing the study of Th. intermedium-derived resistance to BYDV in bread wheat segregating populations 2001
- Deletion-based physical mapping of barley chromosome 7H 2001
- Deletion-based physical mapping of barley chromosome 7H. 2001
- Identification and mapping of a new leaf stripe resistance gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). 2001
- Spatiotemporal allozyme divergence caused by aridity stress in a natural population of wild wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, at the Ammiad microsite, Israel 2001
- The Au family, a novel short interspersed element (SINE) from Aegilops umbellulata 2001
- Application of microsatellites in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for studying genetic differentiation caused by selection for adaptation and use 2000
- Application of microsatellites in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for studying genetic differentiation caused by selection for adaptation and use 2000
- Development of a complete set of Triticum aestivum-Aegilops speltoides chromosome addition lines 2000
- Edaphic microsatellite DNA divergence in wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, at a microsite: Tabigha, Israel 2000
- Genetic analysis of durable leaf rust resistance in winter wheat 2000
- Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring boron toxicity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) 2000
- Mapping of genes for male-fertility restoration in 'Pampa' CMS winter rye (Secale cereale L.) 2000
- Molecular mapping of the Rph7-g leaf rest resistance gene in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 2000
- Natural selection causing microsatellite divergence in wild emmer wheat at the ecologically variable microsite at Ammiad, Israel 2000
- RFLP mapping of manganese efficiency in barley 2000
- A high-density genetic linkage map of Aegilops tauschii, the D-genome progenitor of bread wheat 1999
- Back-cross reciprocal monosomic analysis of Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 1999
- Development of a molecular marker for the adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr35 in wheat 1999
- Genetic linkage map of a wheat x spelt cross 1999
- Identification and mapping of a gene conferring resistance to the spot form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f maculata) in barley 1999
- Identification of molecular markers linked to Pm13 , an Aegilops longissima gene conferring resistance to powdery mildew in wheat 1999
- Integration of dinucleotide microsatellites from hexaploid bread wheat into a genetic linkage map of durum wheat 1999
- Mapping of chromosome regions conferring boron toxicity tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) 1999
- Mapping of intra-locus duplications and introgressed DNA: Aids to map-based cloning of genes from complex genomes illustrated by physical analysis of the Rx locus in tetraploid potato 1999
- Microclimatic stress and adaptive DNA differentiation in wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides 1999
- Microsatellite tagging of the stripe-rust resistance gene YrH52 derived from wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, and suggestive negative crossover interference on chromosome 1B 1999
- Quantitative trait loci for lodging resistance in a segregating wheat x spelt population 1999
- Quantitative trait loci for resistance against powdery mildew in a segregating wheat x spelt population 1999
- RAPD polymorphism of wild emmer wheat populations, Triticum dicoccoides, in Israel 1999
- A genetic linkage map of durum wheat 1998
- A molecular genetic map of the long arm of chromosome 6R of rye incorporating the cereal cyst nematode resistance gene, CreR 1998
- Cloning and characterization of a centromere-specific repetitive DNA element from Sorghum bicolor 1998
- Genetic diversity in australian wheat varieties and breeding material based on RFLP data 1998
- Mapping loci associated with flour colour in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 1998
- Microsatellite DNA polymorphism divergence in Triticum dicoccoides accessions highly resistant to yellow rust 1998
- Structural rearrangement in chromosome 2M of Aegilops comosa has prevented the utilization of the Compair and related wheat-Ae. comosa translocations in wheat improvement 1998
- Comparative RFLP mapping of the chlorotoluron resistance gene (Su1) in cultivated wheat (Triticum aestivum) and wild wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) 1997
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization with multiple repeated DNA probes applied to the analysis of wheat-rye chromosome pairing 1997
- High-resolution genetical and physical mapping of the Rx gene for extreme resistance to potato virus X in tetraploid potato 1997
- Identification of molecular markers linked to the Yr15 stripe rust resistance gene of wheat originated in wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides 1997
- Mapping of the cyst nematode resistance locus Gpa2 in potato using a strategy based on comigrating AFLP markers 1997
- Variation and classification of B low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit alleles in durum wheat 1997
- Genetic analysis of the accumulation of COR14 proteins in wild (Hordeum spontaneum) and cultivated (Hordeum vulgare) barley. 1996
- Genetic analysis of the accumulation of COR14 proteins in wild (Hordeum spontaneum) and cultivated (Hordeum vulgare) barley. 1996
- Assessing non-specificity of resistance in wheat to head blight caused by inoculation with European strains of Fusarium culmorum, F. graminearum and F. nivale using a multiplicative model for interaction 1995
- Cytogenetic and molecular mapping of the wheat-Aegilops longissima chromatin breakpoints in powdery mildew-resistant introgression lines 1995
- Cytologically based physical maps of the group 3 chromosomes of wheat 1995
- Cytologically based physical maps of the group 3 chromosomes of wheat. 1995
- Cytologically based physical maps of the group-2 chromosomes of wheat 1995
- Cytologically based physical maps of the group-2 chromosomes of wheat. 1995
- Genetic variation for foot-rot and Fusarium head-blight resistances among full-sib families of a self-incompatible winter rye (Secale cereale L.) population 1995
- Identification of molecular markers linked to the Agropyron elongatum-derived leaf rust resistance gene Lr24 in wheat 1995
- Genetic diversity in European wheat and spelt breeding material based on RFLP data 1994
- Identification and localization of molecular markers linked to the Lr9 leaf rust resistance gene of wheat 1994
- Linkage relationships between prolamin genes on chromosome 1A and chromosome 1B of durum wheat 1993
- Linkage relationships between prolamin genes on chromosomes 1A and 1B of durum wheat 1993
- Chromosomal location of seed storage protein genes in the genome of Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy 1991
- Natural selection of allozyme polymorphisms: a microgeographic climatic differentiation in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) 1988
- Natural selection of allozyme polymorphisms: a microgeographical differentiation by edaphic, topographical, and temporal factors in wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) 1988
- The addition of Dasypyrum villosum (L.) Candargy chromosomes to durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) 1987
- Morphology and chromosome pairing of a hybrid between Triticum durum Desf. and Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur. 1983