publication venue for
- Using proximal sensing parameters linked to the photosynthetic capacity to assess the nutritional status and yield potential in quinoa 2023
- SNP analysis of Macadamia integrifolia chloroplast genomes to determine the genetic structure of wild populations 2016
- Characterising diversity in the Brassica genomes 2013
- Characterising diversity in the Brassica genomes 2013
- An assessment of genetic diversity within and between Brassica napus and Brassica juncealines from international germplasm collections 2006
- Analysis of the Brassica 'A' and 'C' genomes and comparison with the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana 2006
- Integrating and interrogating diverse Brassica data within an EnsEMBL structured database 2006
Molecular markers for high-throughput detection of a self-fertility (S
f ) allele in almond 2019 - Actinidia-Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae interaction: Differentially expressed plant transcripts during infection 2018
- Genetic analysis of powdery mildew disease in Turkish hazelnut 2018
- Fruit-set and SSR markers of fig cultivars from Puglia region, Southeastern Italy 2017
- Relationship between hydraulic and stomatal conductance and its regulation by root and leaf aquaporins under progressive water stress and recovery and exogenous application of ABA in Vitis vinifera L. 'Syrah' 2017
- Molecular advances in rootstock-scion interaction in grapevine 2016
- A DNA methylation survey of NCED genes in Vitis vinifera L. under stress conditions 2015
- Acybenzolar-S-Methyl, inducer of resistance against an abiotic stress (blossom end rot) on industry tomato 2015
- Ecophysiological response to water stress and regulation of gene expression for a 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase in Vitis vinifera L. 'Italia' 2015
- RNA-seq analysis of the molecular interaction between Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae (Psa) and the kiwifruit 2015
- RNA-seq analysis of the molecular interaction between Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae (Psa) and the kiwifruit 2015
- Unraveling the Molecular Interaction between Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae (Psa) and the Kiwifruit Plant through RNAseq Approach 2015
- Unraveling the Molecular Interaction between Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae (Psa) and the Kiwifruit Plant through RNAseq Approach 2015
- Genetics and genomics of the globe artichoke: Where have we got to?-recent advances at CNR-IGV, Italy 2013
- MicroRNAs in the globe artichoke: Detection and analysis 2013
- Polyphenolic compounds in artichoke cultivars and regulation of their synthesis in artichoke 2013
- Productive and nutraceutical effects of globe artichoke fertilization 2013
- The influence of location, cultivar and season on cactus pear fruit quality 2013
- Using portable NMR to measure sap flow and water in the intact plant 2013
- Assessment of genetic variation in an artichoke European collection by means of molecular markers 2012
- Characterization of the Cynara European genetic resources 2012
- Chlorogenic acid content variation in artichoke plant parts and physiological stages 2012
- Isolation and characterization of genes for the synthesis of chlorogenic acid in artichoke 2012
- Morpho-agronomic characterization of artichoke genotypes belonging to the institute of plant Genetics (IGV-CNR) collection 2012
- The evolution of Cynara: Diversity and domestication of artichoke and cardoon 2012
- High and low acid lemons: Origin and transcriptome comparisons 2011
- High and low acid lemons: Origin and transcriptome comparisons 2011
- Processing tomato cultivated under water deficit conditions: The effect of azoxystrobin 2011
- The potential benefits of gis techniques in disease and pest control: An example based on a regional project in central Africa 2010
- Sanitary selection and molecular characterization of olive cultivars grown in Apulia 2008
- Isolation, characterization and expression of pal gene family in artichoke 2007
- Variable rDNA regions provide suggestions on artichoke domestication and evolutionary history 2007
- Sequence analysis of two genomic regions of Leptosphaeria maculans, the fungus that causes blackleg disease (phoma stem canker) of Brassica napus 2006
- Characterization of artichoke genotypes using RAPD markers 2005
- Genetic analysis and DNA fingerprinting of sweet cherry cultivars and selections using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) 2005
- Microsatellite and Aflp markers in an artichoke world collection 2004
- Ethylene responsive genes are differentially regulated during peach fruitlet abscission 2002
- Ethylene responsive genes are differentially regulated during peach fruitlet abscission 2002
- Interspecific hybridization program aimed at obtaining dwarfing and non-suckering rootstocks for sweet cherry 1996
- Genotypic variation of rind colour in citrus tangor kiyomi families 2015