publication venue for
- Interactions among cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi, dryland crown rot Fusarium culmorum, and drought on grain yield components and disease severity in bread wheat 2022
- Occurrence of eyespot of cereals in Tunisia and identification of Oculimacula species and mating types 2022
- Urediniospores of Puccinia sorghi: pre- and post-cold storage requirements 2022
- Mapping stem rust resistance loci effective in Kenya in Canadian spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines ‘AAC Prevail’ and ‘BW961’ 2021
- Mapping stem rust resistance loci effective in Kenya in Canadian spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines ‘AAC Prevail’and ‘BW961’ 2021
- Stem rust: its history in Kenya and research to combat a global wheat threat 2021
- Surveillance, breeding, and cultural practices to prevent a rust storm on crops and trees 2021
- Understanding the expression and interaction of Rph genes conferring seedling and adult plant resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley 2021
- Reaction of differential wheat and triticale genotypes to natural stripe rust [Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici] infection in Saskatchewan, Canada. 39:138-148. 2017
- Two small secreted proteins from Puccinia triticina induce reduction of ß-glucoronidase transient expression in wheat isolines containing Lr9, Lr24 and Lr26. 38:91-102. 2016
- A review of wheat leaf rust research and the development of resistant cultivars in Canada. 38:1-18. 2016
- Quantitative trait loci for resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) to Ustilago tritici 2014
- DNA markers for resistance to common bunt in 'McKenzie' wheat 2013
- Functional genomic approaches in cereal rusts 2012
- Identification and validation of fusarium head blight and Fusarium -damaged kernel QTL in a Frontana/Remus DH mapping population 2012
- Fungal and oomycete effectors - Strategies to subdue a host 2011
- Quantification of effects of leaf spotting diseases on grain yield and market quality of durum wheat using near-isogenic lines 2010
- Nitrogen and crop rotation effects on fusarium crown rot in no-till spring wheat 2009
- Testing for resistance to smut diseases of barley, oats and wheat in western Canada 2009
- Genetics of resistance to Ustilago tritici in Glenlea wheat (Triticum aestivum) 2008
- Identification of resistance genes to barley covered smut and mapping of the Ruh1 gene using Ustilago hordei strains with defined avirulence genes 2008
- Phenotypic association of adult-plant resistance to leaf and stripe rusts in wheat 2005
- Real-time polymerase chain reaction: applications to studies on soilborne pathogens 2005
- Inheritance of resistance to loose smut [Ustilago tritici] in three durum wheat lines 2004
- Multivariate analysis of apple cultivar susceptibility to Venturia inaequalis under greenhouse conditions 2003
- Spatial distribution of Rhizoctonia oryzae and rhizoctonia root rot in direct-seeded cereals 2003
- Virulence of Canadian isolates of Ustilago tritici: 1964-1998, And the use of the geometric rule in understanding host differential complexity 2003
- Ascospore gradients of Gibberella zeae from overwintered inoculum in wheat fields 2002
- Genetic analysis of resistance to loose smut and an associated DNA marker in durum wheat doubled haploids 2002
- Insights into the prevalence and management of soilborne cereal pathogens under direct seeding in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. 2002
- Rhizoctonia root rot and take-all of wheat in diverse direct-seed spring cropping systems 2002
- Inheritance of loose smut (Ustilago tritici) resistance in two hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines 1999
- Assessment of ear rot symptom development in maize hybrids inoculated with Fusarium graminearum 1997
- Response of white lupine cultivars to Phoma sp. and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 1996
- Black point and red smudge in irrigated durum wheat in southern saskatchewan in 1990-1992 1994
- Screening for partial resistance to an isolate of crown rust (puccinia coronata f. Sp. Avenae) race 264 in oat cultivars and breeding lines 1994
- Effect of silk age on resistance of maize to fusarium graminearum 1992
- Genotypic differences in the resistance of maize silk to fusarium graminearum 1992
- A stable quantitative trait locus conditioning leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) resistance on chromosome 2D of the wheat cultivar'Stettler'. 2019