publication venue for
- Comparative Characteristic of two Cultivars of Winter Common Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Cultivated in the Southeast of Kazakhstan using the Drip Irrigation Technology. 17:40-49. 2017
- Impact of Absorbing Agent on Moisture Reserves of Winter Wheat in the Conditions of Semiprovided Dry Farming Land of the South-East of Kazakhstan. 17:35-39. 2017
- Phenology, Growth, Yield and Protein Content of Wheat as Influenced by Foliar Application of Nitrogen. 17:142-150. 2017
- Multivariate analysis of nutritional diversity in sorghum landrace accessions from Western Ethiopia 2013
- Mineral composition of Malawian cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma sagittifolium) genotypes 2011
- Ethnobotany, morphology and genotyping of cassava germplasm from Malawi 2010
- Effects of Fallow-Wheat and Lentil-Wheat Rotation Systems on Wheat Yield and Soil Water Storage in Dry Farming Areas. 7:1458-1462. 2007