publication venue for
- Application of Tissue Culture and Transformation Techniques in Model Species Brachypodium distachyon. 2018
- Predicting Protein Secondary Structure Using Consensus Data Mining (CDM) Based on Empirical Statistics and Evolutionary Information. 2017
- Databases for Wheat Genomics and Crop Improvement.. 1679:277-291. 2017
- Doubled Haploid Transgenic Wheat Lines by Microspore Transformation. 1679:213-234. 2017
- Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Wheat Rusts.. 1659:137-149. 2017
- Real-Time PCR for the Detection of Precise Transgene Copy Number in Wheat.. 1679:251-257. 2017
- Bioinformatics: Identifi cation of markers from Next-Generation sequence data 2015
- Molecular Marker Databases 2015
- Skim-based genotyping by sequencing 2015
- New technologies for ultrahigh-throughput genotyping in plant taxonomy 2014
- Genetic maps and the use of synteny 2009
- Genome sequencing approaches and successes 2009
- Mining for SNPs and SSRs using SNPServer, dbSNP and SSR taxonomy tree 2009
- New technologies for ultra-high throughput genotyping in plants 2009
- Accessing integrated Brassica genetic and genomic data using the BASC server 2007
- Automated discovery of single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat molecular genetic markers 2007
- Plant Bioinformatics - Methods and Protocols: Preface 2007
- Brachypodium Genomics 2018
- A functional genomics method for assaying gene function in phytopathogenic fungi through host-induced gene silencing mediated by agroinfi ltration 2015
- Conducting field trials for frost tolerance breeding in cereals 2014
- From genes to markers: Exploiting gene sequence information to develop tools for plant breeding 2014
- Applications of high-throughput plant phenotyping to study nutrient use efficiency 2013
- Plant Mineral Nutrients 2013
- High-throughput phenotyping of plant shoots 2012
- Metabolomics protocols for filamentous fungi 2012
- Proteomic techniques for plant-fungal interactions 2012
- Trait dissection of salinity tolerance with plant phenomics 2012
- A simple TAE-based method to generate large insert BAC libraries from plant species 2009
- Down-regulation of gene expression by RNA-induced gene silencing 2009
- Establishing substantial equivalence: Transcriptomics 2009
- Producing High-Quality Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Data for Genome-Wide Association Studies 2022
- Method for Genome-Wide Association Study 2020
- Oxidative Stress and Plant Mitochondria 2007
- Preface 2022
- Plant Bioinformatics 2022
- Plant Bioinformatics 2016
- Plant Bioinformatics 2007