publication venue for
- Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Utilization of Mediator Subunits for Crop Improvement 2024
- Comprehensive identification, characterization and expression analysis of genes underpinning heat acclimatization in Triticum durum and Aegilops tauschii 2024
- Molecular Regulation of Shoot Architecture in Soybean 2024
- Multi‐Omics and Physiological Analysis Reveal Crosstalk Between Aphid Resistance and Nitrogen Fertilization in Wheat 2024
- Peroxidase gene TaPrx109‐B1 enhances wheat tolerance to water deficit via modulating stomatal density 2024
- Plant Volatile Methyl Salicylate Primes Wheat Defense Against the Grain Aphid by Altering the Synthesis of Defense Metabolites 2024
- TaWRKY17 Interacts With TaWRKY44 to Promote Expression of TaDHN7 for Salt Tolerance in Wheat 2024
- Warming Mitigates Ozone Damage to Wheat Photosynthesis in a FACE Experiment 2024
- Genomic content of wheat has a higher influence than plant domestication status on the ability to interact with Pseudomonas plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria 2023
- HSP90.2 modulates 2Q2-mediated wheat resistance against powdery mildew. 2023
- Inside-out: synergising leaf biochemical traits with stomatal-regulated water fluxes to enhance transpiration modelling during abiotic stress. 2023
- Natural variation in a K+‐preferring HKT transporter contributes to wheat shoot K+ accumulation and salt tolerance 2023
- Revisiting yield in terms of phloem transport to grains suggests phloem sap movement might be homeostatic 2023
- TaSINA2B, interacting with TaSINA1D, positively regulates drought tolerance and root growth in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2023
- Grain carbon isotope composition is a marker for allocation and harvest index in wheat 2022
- Wheat yield potential can be maximized by increasing red to far-red light conditions at critical developmental stages 2022
- Adaptive defence and sensing responses of host plant roots to fungal pathogen attack revealed by transcriptome and metabolome analyses 2021
- A single nucleotide substitution in TaHKT1 ; 5‐D controls shoot Na + accumulation in bread wheat 2020
- Soil strength influences wheat root interactions with soil macropores. 2019
- Heat shock factor C2a serves as a proactive mechanism for heat protection in developing grains in wheat via an ABA-mediated regulatory pathway 2018
- System analysis of metabolism and the transcriptome in Arabidopsis thaliana roots reveals differential co-regulation upon iron, sulfur and potassium deficiency 2017
- Deep roots and soil structure. 2016
- A novel protein kinase involved in Na+ exclusion revealed from positional cloning 2013
- The metabolic acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to arsenate is sensitized by the loss of mitochondrial LIPOAMIDE DEHYDROGENASE2, a key enzyme in oxidative metabolism 2013
- Variation in salinity tolerance and shoot sodium accumulation in Arabidopsis ecotypes linked to differences in the natural expression levels of transporters involved in sodium transport 2010
- Genomic dissection of drought resistance in durum wheat × wild emmer wheat recombinant inbreed line population 2009
- Quantifying the three main components of salinity tolerance in cereals 2009
- Allelic diversity associated with aridity gradient in wild emmer wheat populations 2008
- Investigating glutamate receptor-like gene co-expression in Arabidopsis thaliana 2008
- Functionality of resistance gene Hero which controls plant root-infecting potato cyst nematodes, in leaves of tomato 2006
- Managing sulphur metabolism in plants 2006
- Genetic diversity for drought resistance in wild emmer wheat and its ecogeographical associations 2005
- Rubisco specificity factor tends to be larger in plant species from drier habitats and in species with persistent leaves 2005
- Response of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield and biochemical composition to elevated CO2 and temperature at two nitrogen applications 1998
- Effects of shading in different developmental phases on biomass and grain yield of winter wheat at ambient and elevated CO2 1996
- Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on winter wheat: test of ARCWHEAT1 simulation model 1995
- Interacting effects of CO2 concentration, temperature and nitrogen supply on the photosynthesis and composition of winter wheat leaves 1994
- Effects of increased CO2 concentration and temperature on growth and yield of winter wheat at two levels of nitrogen application 1993
- Facility for studying the effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and increased temperature on crops 1993
- Cloning and characterization of a wound‐specific hydroxyproline‐rich glycoprotein in Phaseolus vulgaris 1990
- The effects of increasing CO2 on crop photosynthesis and productivity: a review of field studies