publication venue for
- Reaction of South African rye, triticale and barley forage cultivars to stem and leaf rust 2019
- Location and crop-year effects on sugarcane genotype performance for the coastal short cycle breeding programmes in South Africa 2018
- Trends and magnitudes of genotype × environment interaction variance components for yield, quality and agronomic traits among coastal short cycle sugarcane breeding populations 2018
- Trends in broad-sense heritability and predicted selection gains for the coastal short cycle breeding sugarcane programmes in South Africa 2018
- Valuable Russian wheat aphid-resistant bread wheat accessions identified using four South AfricanDiuraphis noxiabiotypes 2016
- Agronomic performance of new cream to yellow-orange sweetpotato cultivars in diverse environments across South Africa 2015
- Effect of heat stress on seed yield components and oil composition in high- and mid-oleic sunflower hybrids 2015
- South African Journal of Plant and Soil: Editorial 2010
- Comparison of ssr and aflp analysis for genetic diversity assessment of ethiopian arabica coffee genotypes 2009
- Morpho-physiological response of durum wheat genotypes to drought stress 2009
- Significance of kernel moisture content in determination of hagberg falling number in wheat 2008
- A comparison between hydroponics systems and pots for growing wheat in the greenhouse 2007
- Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and its components in selected maize inbred lines 2007
- Variability among barley landraces in response to waterlogging stress in the greenhouse 2007
- Estimates of combining ability for agronomic traits in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 2006
- Genetic distance analysis of elite cassava (manihot esculenta crantz) genotypes in malawi using morphological and AFLP marker techniques 2006
- Stability analysis of kernel and milling characteristics in winter and facultative wheat 2006
- Variation of oil content and fatty acid composition in selected lines of vernonia (vernonia galamensis variety ethiopica) 2006
- Differences in the level of d-glucose and sucrose among durum wheat (triticum turgidum var durum l.) genotypes differing in their responses to drought stress 2005
- Physical and chemical properties associated with food quality in sorghum 2005
- Diversity analysis in Ethiopian and some exotic collections of linseed 2004
- Genotype-environment interactions and yield stability analyses of maize in Ethiopia 2004
- The use of size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) for wheat quality prediction in South Africa 2004
- Inheritance of resistance in maize to the African stalk borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 2003
- Responses of Ethiopian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum L.) genotypes to drought stress 2003
- Combining ability effects of some spring wheat cultivars at two different temperature levels 1999
- Genotype × environment interaction and principal factor analysis of seed characteristics related to canning quality of small white beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in South Africa 1999
- A comparison of HMW-GS, LMW-GS and RAPD fingerprinting for cultivar identification of some South African wheat cultivars 1998