publication venue for
- Durum Wheat Storage Protein Composition and the Role of LMW-GS in Quality. 73-108. 2020
- Durum Wheat Storage Protein Composition and the Role of LMW-GS in Quality. 73-108. 2020
- Effects of Environmental Changes on the Allergen Content of Wheat Grain. 453-470. 2020
- Phenolic Compounds in Wheat Kernels: Genetic and Genomic Studies of Biosynthesis and Regulations. 225-253. 2020
- Starch and starch-associated proteins: Impacts on wheat grain quality 2020
- Wheat quality for improving processing and human health 2020
- Chap. 5. Durum wheat storage protein composition, the role of LMW-Gs in quality 2020
- Contribution of genetic resources to grain storage protein composition and wheat quality 2020
- Gluten Analysis 2020
- Proteomics as a tool in gluten protein research 2020
- The Impact of Processing on Potentially Beneficial Wheat Grain Components for Human Health 2020
- Understanding the Mechanics of Wheat Grain Fractionation and the Impact of Puroindolines on Milling and Product Quality 2020
- Wheat Quality For Improving Processing And Human Health 2020