selected publications
- Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity. in silico Plants. 2021
- Limiting transpiration rate in high evaporative demand conditions to improve Australian wheat productivity 2021
- Predicting wheat yield at the field scale by combining high-resolution sentinel-2 satellite imagery and crop modelling. Remote Sensing. 12:1024. 2020
- An integrated framework for predicting the risk of experiencing temperature conditions that may trigger late-maturity alpha-amylase in wheat across Australia. Crop & Pasture Science. 71:1-11. 2020
- Integrating Crop Modelling, Physiology, Genetics and Breeding to Aid Crop Improvement for Changing Environments in the Australian Wheatbelt. Proceedings. 2019
- VERNALIZATION1 Modulates Root System Architecture in Wheat and Barley.. Molecular Plant. 11:226-229. 2018
- Integrating modelling and phenotyping approaches to identify and screen complex traits: Transpiration efficiency in cereals. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018
- VERNALIZATION1 Modulates Root System Architecture in Wheat and Barley. Molecular Plant. 2018
- Trial results - Tactical agronomy for sorghum and maize and agronomy for high yielding sorghum and wheat in the northern region 2016
- The shifting influence of drought and heat stress for crops in northeast Australia. Global Change Biology. 2015
- APSIM - Evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software. 2014
- QTL for root angle and number in a population developed from bread wheats (Triticum aestivum) with contrasting adaptation to water-limited environments. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2013
- Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in North-Eastern Australia. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2011
- Experimental and modelling studies of drought-adaptive root architectural traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Biosystems. 2010
- Crop modelling as an aid for environmental characterisation and crop improvement. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology. 2009
- Simulating the Yield Impacts of Organ-Level Quantitative Trait Loci Associated With Drought Response in Maize: A "Gene-to-Phenotype" Modeling Approach. Genetics. 2009
- Developmental and physiological traits associated with high yield and stay-green phenotype in wheat. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2008
- Genotypic variation in seedling root architectural traits and implications for drought adaptation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant and Soil. 2008
- Genotypic variation in seedling root architectural traits and implications for drought adaptation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant and Soil. 2008
- Short-term responses of leaf growth rate to water deficit scale up to whole-plant and crop levels: An integrated modelling approach in maize. Plant Cell and Environment. 2008
- Short-term responses of leaf growth rate to water deficit scale up to whole-plant and crop levels: an integrated modelling approach in maize. Plant Cell and Environment. 2008
- The role of root architectural traits in adaptation of wheat to water-limited environments. Functional Plant Biology. 2006
- Spying on the winter wheat crop - generating objective planted area and crop production estimates using MODIS imagery 2005
- Implications of Seasonal Climate Forecasts on World Wheat Trade: A Stochastic, Dynamic Analysis. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie. 52:289-312. 2004
- El Nino through the 'eyes' of a wheat crop 2003
- Simulation supplements field studies to determine no-till dryland corn population recommendations for semiarid western Nebraska. Agronomy Journal. 2003