selected publications
- Registration of LCS ‘Valiant’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2023
- Registration of ‘NE10589’ (Husker Genetics Brand Ruth) hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2020
- Cover crop effect on subsequent wheat yield in the central great plains. Agronomy Journal. 2016
- Dryland soil greenhouse gases and yield-scaled emissions in no-till and organic winter wheat-fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2016
- Cover crop biomass production and water use in the Central Great Plains. Agronomy Journal. 2015
- Cover crop mixtures do not use water differently than single-species plantings. Agronomy Journal. 2015
- Nitrogen fertility in semiarid dryland wheat production is challenging for beginning organic farmers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 2014
- Yield components as affected by planting dryland maize in a double-skip row pattern. Journal of Crop Improvement. 2010