selected publications
- Seminal root angle is associated with root system architecture in durum wheat. Food and Energy Security. 2024
- Evolution and application of digital technologies to predict crop type and crop phenology in agriculture. in silico Plants. 2021
- Predicting wheat yield at the field scale by combining high-resolution sentinel-2 satellite imagery and crop modelling. Remote Sensing. 12:1024. 2020
- An integrated framework for predicting the risk of experiencing temperature conditions that may trigger late-maturity alpha-amylase in wheat across Australia. Crop & Pasture Science. 71:1-11. 2020
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 274:144-159. 2019
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches 2018
- Trial results - Tactical agronomy for sorghum and maize and agronomy for high yielding sorghum and wheat in the northern region 2016
- Spying on the winter wheat crop - generating objective planted area and crop production estimates using MODIS imagery 2005
- El Nino through the 'eyes' of a wheat crop 2003