selected publications
- Priority actions for Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat: Insights from the wheat initiative. The Plant Genome. 2025
- Genomic Architecture of Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to Water Stress in Tetraploid Wheat.. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:1723. 2021
- Genomic Architecture of Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to Water Stress in Tetraploid Wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding.. Nature. 588:277-283. 2020
- A Post-Haustorial Defense Mechanism is Mediated by the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene, PmG3M, Derived from Wild Emmer Wheat.. Pathogenetics. 9:418. 2020
- Variation in phosphorus and sulfur content shapes the genetic architecture and phenotypic associations within the wheat grain ionome.. Plant Journal. 101:555-572. 2020
- Grain protein content and thousand kernel weight QTLs identified in a durum × wild emmer wheat mapping population tested in five environments. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133:119-131. 2020
- Wheat tandem kinases provide insights on disease-resistance gene flow and host-parasite co-evolution.. Plant Journal. 98:667-679. 2019
- Grain Protein Content QTLs Identified in a Durum x Wild Emmer Wheat Mapping Population Tested in Five Environments. bioRxiv. 601773. 2019
- Variation in phosphorus and sulfur content shapes the genetic architecture and phenotypic associations within wheat grain ionome. bioRxiv. 580423. 2019
- Genomic architecture of phenotypic plasticity of complex traits in tetraploid wheat in response to water stress. bioRxiv. 565820. 2019
- Wheat tandem kinases provide insights on disease-resistance gene flow and host–parasite co-evolution. Plant Journal. 2019
- Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family. Nature Communications. 9:3735-3735. 2018
- Cloning of the wheat Yr15 resistance gene sheds light on the plant tandem kinase-pseudokinase family. Nature Communications. 2018
- Evolution and Adaptation of Wild Emmer Wheat Populations to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 54:279-301. 2016
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