selected publications
- De novo annotation of the wheat pan-genome reveals complexity and diversity of the hexaploid wheat pan-transcriptome 2024
- Natural variations ofTaMYB7-A1regulate PHS resistance and specify wheat geographic adaptation 2024
- Partial redundancy buffers deleterious effects of mutatingDNA methyltransferase 1-1(MET1-1) in polyploid wheat 2024
- Stigma longevity is not a major limiting factor in hybrid wheat seed production 2024
- ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM 2 encodes a STERILE ALPHA MOTIVE containing protein that controls root growth angle in barley and wheat. bioRxiv. 2021
- Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement. Nature Biotechnology. 2021
- Identification of Fusarium head blight resistance loci in two Brazilian wheat mapping populations.. PLOS ONE. 16. 2021
- A haplotype-led approach to increase the precision of wheat breeding. 2020
- Increased and ectopic expression of Triticum polonicum VRT-A2 underlies elongated glumes and grains in hexaploid wheat in a dosage-dependent manner. bioRxiv. 2020
- Copy number variation of TdDof controls solid-stemmed architecture in wheat.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117:28708-28718. 2020
- Dissecting the genetic basis of wheat blast resistance in the Brazilian wheat cultivar BR 18-Terena.. BMC Plant Biology. 20:1-15. 2020
- Genetic Characterization of a Wheat Association Mapping Panel Relevant to Brazilian Breeding Using a High-Density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Array. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 10:2229-2239. 2020
- Agricultural Selection of Wheat Has Been Shaped by Plant-Microbe Interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11:132. 2020
- A carbohydrate-binding protein, B-GRANULE CONTENT 1, influences starch granule size distribution in a dose-dependent manner in polyploid wheat.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71:105-115. 2020
- Identification of transcription factors regulating senescence in wheat through gene regulatory network modelling. Plant Physiology. 180:1740-1755. 2019
- MSH2 is required for obligate crossover formation in wheat 2019
- Identification of transcription factors regulating senescence in wheat through gene regulatory network modelling. bioRxiv. 456749. 2018
- Heat in Wheat: Exploit Reverse Genetic Techniques to Discover New Alleles Within the Triticum durum sHsp26 Family.. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1337. 2018
- Wheat Ear Sterility Project (WESP) 2018
- Gene editing and mutagenesis reveal inter-cultivar differences and additivity in the contribution of TaGW2 homoeologues to grain size and weight in wheat.. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 131:2463-2475. 2018
- Gene editing and mutagenesis reveal inter-cultivar differences and additivity in the contribution of TaGW2 homoeologues to grain size and weight in wheat. bioRxiv. 327874. 2018
- Ubiquitin-related genes are differentially expressed in isogenic lines contrasting for pericarp cell size and grain weight in hexaploid wheat.. BMC Plant Biology. 18:22-22. 2018
- Speed breeding in growth chambers and glasshouses for crop breeding and model plant research.. Nature Protocols. 2018
- Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding. Nature plants. 2018
- Ubiquitin-related genes are differentially expressed in isogenic lines contrasting for pericarp cell size and grain weight in hexaploid wheat. bioRxiv. 175471. 2017
- Increased pericarp cell length underlies a major quantitative trait locus for grain weight in hexaploid wheat.. New Phytologist. 215:1026-1038. 2017
- Increased pericarp cell length underlies a major QTL for grain weight in hexaploid wheat. bioRxiv. 117937. 2017
- Uncovering hidden variation in polyploid wheat.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114:201619268. 2017
- Uncovering hidden variation in polyploid wheat. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017
- Identification and mapping of resistance to stem rust in the European winter wheat cultivars Spark and Rialto. Molecular Breeding. 36:114. 2016
- The wheat Phs-A1 pre-harvest sprouting resistance locus delays the rate of seed dormancy loss and maps 0.3 cM distal to the PM19 genes in UK germplasm. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67:4169-4178. 2016
- A saturated SNP linkage map for the orange wheat blossom midge resistance gene Sm1. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 129:1507-1517. 2016
- A splice acceptor site mutation in TaGW2 - A1 increases thousand grain weight in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat through wider and longer grains. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 129:1099-1112. 2016
- Identification and mapping of resistance to stem rust in the European winter wheat cultivars Spark and Rialto. Molecular Breeding. 2016
- Inheritance and QTL mapping of leaf rust resistance in the European winter wheat cultivar 'Beaver'. Euphytica. 2009
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