selected publications
- Influencing factors of sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation in bread wheat. Journal of Cereal Science. 2010
- Quality of Ethiopian durum wheat lines in two diverse environments. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2006
- Stability analysis of kernel and milling characteristics in winter and facultative wheat. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 2006
- Bread making quality evaluation of Ethiopian wheat cultivars using direct and indirect measures of quality traits. Cereal Research Communications. 2005
- B-LMW glutenin and γ-gliadin composition of Ethiopian durum wheat genotypes and their association with some quality traits. Cereal Research Communications. 2003
- A selection strategy for combining high grain yield and high protein content in South African wheat cultivars. Cereal Research Communications. 1999
- Combining ability effects of some spring wheat cultivars at two different temperature levels. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 1999
- Biscuit-making quality of backcross derivatives of wheat differing in kernel hardness. Euphytica. 1997
- The expression of heterosis in the F1 generation of a diallel cross of diverse hard red winter genotypes. Cereal Research Communications. 1997
- Biscuit-making quality prediction using heritability estimates and correlations. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 1996
- General combining ability of six genotypes of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) for biscuit-making quality characteristics. Plant Breeding. 1996
- The effect of Glu-B1 high molecular weight glutenin subunits on biscuit-making quality of wheat. Euphytica. 1995
- Variability of quality characteristics in soft wheats differing in the Glu-B1 locus. Cereal Research Communications. 1995
- The Effect of Moisture Stress on the Yield and Yield Components of Several Wheat Cultivars and their F1 Hybrids. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 1992