selected publications
- First Report of Rust Caused by Phakopsora nishidana on Creeping Fig, Ficus pumila, in South Africa. Plant Disease. 2024
- Mapping of resistance loci in wheat line Milan/S87230//Babax to South African races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Euphytica. 2024
- Pathogenicity of Puccinia porri on Allium in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology. 2024
- Wheat Stem Rust Surveillance Reveals Two New Races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in South Africa During 2016 to 2020. Plant Disease. 2024
- Mapping and validation of all-stage resistance to stem rust in four South African winter wheat cultivars. Euphytica. 2023
- Physiologic races of Puccinia triticina detected on wheat in South Africa from 2017 to 2020. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2023
- Characterisation of stem rust resistance in the South African winter wheat cultivar PAN 3161. Euphytica. 2022
- Fig rust caused by Phakopsora nishidana in South Africa. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 2022
- Pathogenicity and microsatellite characterization of Puccinia hordei in South Africa. Crop Protection. 2022
- The life cycle of Puccinia digitariae on Digitaria eriantha and Solanum species in South Africa. Mycologia. 2022
- Chromosomal composition analysis and molecular marker development for the novel Ug99-resistant wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation line WTT34.. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1-13. 2021
- A recombined Sr26 and Sr61 disease resistance gene stack in wheat encodes unrelated NLR genes. Nature Communications. 2021
- Historical Development of the Puccinia triticina Population in South Africa. Plant Disease. 2021
- Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation of Puccinia helianthi in South Africa. Plant Disease. 2021
- Comparing infection and colonisation of Puccinia graminis in barley and wheat. Australasian Plant Pathology. 49:431-445. 2020
- Endemic and panglobal genetic groups, and divergence of host-associated forms in worldwide collections of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina as determined by genotyping by sequencing.. Heredity. 124:397-409. 2020
- Accomplishments in wheat rust research in South Africa. South African Journal of Science. 2020
- Endemic and panglobal genetic groups, and divergence of host-associated forms in worldwide collections of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina as determined by genotyping by sequencing. Heredity. 2020
- First Report of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Causing Stripe Rust of Wheat, in Zimbabwe. Plant Disease. 104:290-290. 2020
- Emergence of the Ug99 lineage of the wheat stem rust pathogen through somatic hybridisation. Nature Communications. 10:5068. 2019
- Establishment of wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum translocation lines with resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99.. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 46:405-407. 2019
- Emergence of the Ug99 lineage of the wheat stem rust pathogen through somatic hybridisation. bioRxiv. 692640. 2019
- Multilocus Genotypes of the Wheat Leaf Rust Fungus Puccinia triticina in Worldwide Regions Indicate Past and Current Long-Distance Migration.. Phytopathology. 109:1453-1463. 2019
- First Report of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Race PTKSK, a Variant of Wheat Stem Rust Race Ug99, in South Africa. Plant Disease. 103:1421-1421. 2019
- Point Inoculation Method for Measuring Adult Plant Response of Wheat to Stripe Rust Infection.. Plant Disease. 103:1228-1233. 2019
- Tackling the re-emergence of wheat stem rust in Western Europe. 2019
- Mapping a Resistance Gene to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in the Bread Wheat Cultivar ‘Matlabas’. Plant Disease. 2019
- Microsatellite analysis and urediniospore dispersal simulations support the movement of puccinia graminis f. Sp. Tritici from southern Africa to Australia. Phytopathology. 2019
- Reaction of South African rye, triticale and barley forage cultivars to stem and leaf rust. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 2019
- New Puccinia triticina races on wheat in South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology. 47:325-334. 2018
- Potential for re-emergence of wheat stem rust in the United Kingdom. 2018
- Dissection of the multigenic wheat stem rust resistance present in the Montenegrin spring wheat accession PI 362698.. BMC Genomics. 19:67-67. 2018
- Potential for re-emergence of wheat stem rust in the United Kingdom.. Communications Biology. 2018
- Yield Loss Associated with Different Levels of Stem Rust Resistance in Bread Wheat. Plant Disease. 2018
- Advances in control of wheat rusts 2017
- Application of remote sensing to identify adult plant resistance loci to stripe rust in two bread wheat mapping populations. Precision Agriculture. 2017
- Establishment and characterization of new wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum addition and translocation lines with resistance to Ug99 races.. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 43:573-575. 2016
- Genetic mapping of resistance to the Ug99 race group of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in a spring wheat landrace CItr 4311. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 129:2161-2170. 2016
- Variation in Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici detected on wheat and triticale in South Africa from 2009 to 2013. Crop Protection. 86:9-16. 2016
- Stem rust resistance in a geographically diverse collection of spring wheat lines collected from across Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:973-973. 2016
- Development of a Greenhouse Screening Method for Adult Plant Response in Wheat to Stem Rust. Plant Disease. 100:1627-1633. 2016
- Sources of Stem Rust Resistance in Wheat-Alien Introgression Lines.. Plant Disease. 100:1101-1109. 2016
- Rapid Identification of Resistance Loci Effective Against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Race TTKSK in 33 Spring Wheat Landraces. Plant Disease. 100:331-336. 2016
- Races of Puccinia triticina detected on wheat in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi and regional germplasm responses. Australasian Plant Pathology. 44:217-224. 2015
- Assessing the vulnerability of wheat germplasm from Bangladesh and Nepal to Ug99 stem rust. Phytoparasitica. 2015
- Emergence and spread of new races of wheat stem rust fungus: Continued threat to food security and prospects of genetic control. Phytopathology. 2015
- Characterization of two new Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races within the Ug99 lineage in South Africa. Euphytica. 2011
- International surveillance of wheat rust pathogens: Progress and challenges. Euphytica. 2011
- The FHB challenge to irrigation wheat production in South Africa. Cereal Research Communications. 36:569-571. 2008
- Chromosome locations of leaf rust resistance genes in selected tetraploid wheats through substitution lines. Euphytica. 2005
- The influence of leaf rust resistance genes Lr29, Lr34, Lr35 and Lr37 on breadmaking quality in wheat. Euphytica. 2002
- An Accelerated Method for Evaluating Adult-plant Resistance to Leaf and Stripe Rust in Spring Wheat. Acta Phytopathologica Et Entomologica Hungarica. 2000
- Anthracnose of wheat in South Africa abstract. 1990