selected publications
- Genome-wide profiling and analysis of Festuca arundinacea miRNAs and transcriptomes in response to foliar glyphosate application. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2010
- Identifying, cloning and structural analysis of differentially expressed genes upon Puccinia infection of Festuca rubra var. rubra. Gene. 2007
- Molecular characterization of cDNA encoding resistance gene-like sequences in Buchloe dactyloides. Molecular Biotechnology. 2006
- Bur seeding rate effects on turf-type buffalograss establishment. Horttechnology. 2005
- Bur seeding rate effects on turf-type buffalograss establishment. Horttechnology. 2005
- Colorant effects on dormant buffalograss turf performance. Horttechnology. 2005
- Colorant effects on dormant buffalograss turf performance. Horttechnology. 2005
- Evolution of Buchloƫ dactyloides based on cloning and sequencing of matK, rbcL, and cob genes from plastid and mitochondrial genomes. Genome. 2005
- Evolution of Buchloƫ dactyloides based on cloning and sequencing of matK, rbcL, and cob genes from plastid and mitochondrial genomes. Genome. 2005
- Nuclear genome diversity and relationships among naturally occurring buffalograss genotypes determined by sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Hortscience. 2005
- Nuclear genome diversity and relationships among naturally occurring buffalograss genotypes determined by sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Hortscience. 2005
- Understanding ploidy complex and geographic origin of the Buchloe dactyloides genome using cytoplasmic and nuclear marker systems. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2005
- Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species. Hortscience. 2004
- Application of sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers for characterization of turfgrass species. Hortscience. 2004
- Comparative analysis of seeded and vegetative biotype buffalograsses based on phylogenetic relationship using ISSRs, SSRs, RAPDs, and SRAPs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2004
- Molecular characterization of Buffalograss germplasm using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2004
- Cloning and characterization of resistance gene-like sequences in warm season turfgrass species. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, METMBS'04. 2004