selected publications
- Assessing the evolution of wheat grain traits during the last 166 years using archived samples.. Scientific Reports. 2020
- Localisation of iron in wheat grain using high resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry. Journal of Cereal Science. 2012
- High-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry reveals the contrasting subcellular distribution of arsenic and silicon in rice roots. Plant Physiology. 2011
- Impacts of sulphur nutrition on selenium and molybdenum concentrations in wheat grain. Journal of Cereal Science. 2010
- Influence of sulfur deficiency on the expression of specific sulfate transporters and the distribution of sulfur, selenium and molybdenum in wheat. Plant Physiology. 2010
- NanoSIMS analysis of arsenic and selenium in cereal grain 2010
- Expression and functional analysis of metal transporter genes in two contrasting ecotypes of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2007
- Biofortification of UK food crops with selenium 2006
- Influence of iron status on cadmium and zinc uptake by different ecotypes of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. Plant Physiology. 2002
- Using plant analysis to predict yield losses caused by sulphur deficiency. Annals of Applied Biology. 2001
- Diagnosing sulfur deficiency in field-grown oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant and Soil. 2000
- Sulphur assimilation and effects on yield and quality of wheat. Journal of Cereal Science. 1999
- Distribution of sulfur within oilseed rape leaves in response to sulfur deficiency during vegetative growth. Plant Physiology. 1998
- Responses of two wheat varieties to sulphur addition and diagnosis of sulphur deficiency. Plant and Soil. 1996
- Allocation of sulphur within oilseed rape leaves and the effect of sulphur deficiency
- Diagnosis of sulphur deficiency in oilseed rape and wheat (HGCA Project Report No. 217)
- Evaluation of critical phases of sulphur supply for optimum yield and quality of wheat (H-GCA Project Report 272)
- Identification of genes involved in cadmium hyper-accumulation in a higher plant, Thlaspi caerulescens
- Iron transporters may be involved in high Cd uptake by the hyperaccumulator species Thlaspi caerulescens
- NanoSIMS analysis of trace elements in cereal grain
- Patterns of sulphur allocation in rape and wheat
- Sulphur deficiency - advances in diagnosis
- Sulphur nutrition and glutathione content of wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany.
- Sulphur supply and the optimisation of the yield of wheat
- Sulphur uptake and utilization by crops
- Sulphur utilisation efficiency in oilseed rape
- The effect of sulphur-deficiency on the concentrations and distribution of glutathione and sulphate in oilseed rape. Journal of Experimental Botany.