A wheat SNP chip for the study of homoeologous gene expression in hexaploid wheat Grant uri icon


  • We propose to use recently developed technologies and sequence information to create and trial a novel transcriptomics-based resource for the wheat community. This resource, which will be fully upgradable without further cost to the community, will consist of a wheat array capable of monitoring the expression of up to 90,000 different homoeolog and paralog transcripts. This approach will remove many of the seen and unseen problems associated with the existing GeneChip and EST-based platforms and will be a valuable source of new and novel information on the formation of Triteace polyploids and the differential expression of the three different genomes that make up allohexaploid wheat. We propose to open up this resource to the entire wheat community as an unencumbered facility free of MTAs and follow on IP agreements.

date/time interval

  • November 1, 2006 - October 31, 2007

total award amount

  • 93132 GBP

sponsor award ID

  • BB/E006337/1