Identifying novel traits and molecular markers for improved N use efficiency in malting barley AbinBEV contribution Grant uri icon


  • The project will identify novel genotypes expressing high N-uptake efficiency, understand the mechanisms underlying the improved N efficiency and investigate the genetic bases of these traits. The plant material phenotyped will include elite UK and European malting barley cultivars and landraces in the public domain and an elite GWAS panel from the ABI breeding programme. In years 1 and 2, a panel of ten elite cultivars and landraces will be phenotyped at N rates ranging from sub-optimal to supra-optimal N rates. Physiological analysis will be carried out to understand how the high N-use efficiency genotypes are explained by the different physiological components of root system architecture traits determining N uptake and N partitioning and remobilization traits determining post-anthesis photosynthetic capacity and the stay-green trait. Malting quality of grain samples will be assessed through analysis of grain N%, germination performance, texture and micro-malting tests. From these data, we will understand the bases of the improved for N-efficiency for malting barley genotypes and identify target traits for improved NUE for further genetic analysis. In year 3, a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) study will be carried out phenotyping target traits in a field experiment on an ABI GWAS malting barley panel utilizing a 40,000 SNP array to identify Marker-Trait Associations. The most promising Marker Trait Associations will then be used to search for candidate genes, for which molecular markers will be established for the NUE traits for deployment in the ABI malting barley breeding program. Objective 1) Screen elite and exotic wheat genotypes and phenotypes, quantify G x N x E and identify target traits for improved NUE for further genetic analysis. Objective 2) Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) on target traits in a field study on an ABI GWAS malting barley panel utilizing a 40,000 SNP array to identify mark-trait associations. Objective 3) Marker Trait Associations used to search for candidate genes, molecular markers established for NUE traits for deployment in ABI breeding program

date/time interval

  • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2026

total award amount

  • 0 GBP

sponsor award ID

  • 2754134