High throughput genomics Grant uri icon


  • The technology underpinning biology is advancing at an ever increasing rate. To remain competitive on a world stage UK researchers need access to the very latest technologies. Microarray technology is no exception. Microarray technology enables researchers to track thousands (sometimes hundreds of thousands) of genes in a single experiment and hence make global comparisons of either different cell types or different phenotypes/genotypes. For instance, using microarrays we can discover why certain human races suffer a higher incidence of specific genetic diseases or why certain wheat varieties yield more than others. Recent advances in microarray technology have resulted in both cost reductions and increased throughput. The US-based organisation Affymetrix is the leading company in the high-density array (Genechip) market. Current Affymetrix GeneChip technology has resulted in higher density GeneChips and an increasing number of novel applications. The latest generation of GeneChips include the highest density 5um Exon and Tiling arrays, whole genome 500K mapping arrays as well as the latest targeted genotyping system incorporating Molecular Inversion Probe (MIPs) technology which is the most advanced array/genotyping technology currently available and enables the highest level of genotype multiplexing possible (~200,000 loci per experiment). Access to such resources would give researchers associated with the Bristol Transcriptomics facility a competitive advantage over researchers who do not. However, it is important to note that the Bristol facility is open to all researchers.

sponsor award ID

  • BB/E01268X/1