participant Administrator Co-Principal Investigator Investigator Principal Investigator
funding provided via 15-IWYP Using Next Generation Genetic Approaches to Exploit Phenotypic Variation in Photosynthetic Efficiency to Increase Wheat Yield Grant
output publications or other works A modified sequence capture approach allowing standard and methylation analyses of the same enriched genomic DNA sample A modified sequence capture approach allowing standard and methylation analyses of the same enriched genomic DNA sample. Article CIMMYT's Seeds of Discovery Initiative: Harnessing Biodiversity for Food Security and Sustainable Development Article Elucidating the genetic basis of biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency in spring wheat and its role in yield potential. Article Exotic alleles contribute to heat tolerance in wheat under field conditions Exotic alleles contribute to heat tolerance in wheat under field conditions. Article Gene-based mapping of trehalose biosynthetic pathway genes reveals association with source- and sink-related yield traits in a spring wheat panel Article Harnessing genetic potential of wheat germplasm banks through impact-oriented-prebreeding for future food and nutritional security. Article Hidden variation in polyploid wheat drives local adaptation Hidden variation in polyploid wheat drives local adaptation. Article Integrating genomic resources to present full gene and putative promoter capture probe sets for bread wheat. Article Limited haplotype diversity underlies polygenic trait architecture across 70 years of wheat breeding. Article Measuring Rubisco activity: challenges and opportunities of NADH-linked microtiter plate-based and 14C-based assays. Article Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding. Article Photoprotection and optimization of sucrose usage contribute to faster recovery of photosynthesis after water deficit at high temperatures in wheat. Article Supporting data for "Integrating genomic resources to present full gene and putative promoter capture probe sets for bread wheat" Uncovering candidate genes involved in photosynthetic capacity using unexplored genetic variation in Spring Wheat. Article