AAFC IWYP Aligned Call; Circadian clock editing in wheat Current Project uri icon


  • The overall aim of this project is to utilize advanced biotechnology, genomics, functional genomics, and breeding techniques to develop next-generation wheat germplasm that will increase the security of global wheat production and address the need for a 50% increase in genetic yield potential by 2050 (IWYP). Global warming is predicted to increase temperature and the frequency of extreme weather events, and also to alter precipitation patterns and abundance, thus changing water availability to crops. Another direct consequence is that the number of frost-free days in many regions will become comparable to what is typical of more southern regions, however the day length will remain unchanged. For this reason, alignment of photoperiodic requirements with the growing season is key to the successful integration of high yielding wheat genotypes. It is imperative that we protect wheat production by developing next-generation germplasm that is adaptable and resilient to anticipated variable climatic conditions. This project will seek to generate and deploy genetic variation in circadian clock genes with relevance to IWYP aims of increasing yield in several ways: 1. We will harness the power of circadian clock genes in controlling yield and stress responses. 2. We will optimize growth through modulation of circadian clock genes for yield increase and improved stress responses. 3. The circadian clock mutant (ccWheat) germplasm will be incorporated into wheat breeding at AAFC and elsewhere. 4. Mutational breeding tools, genome editing and methods to control recombination, will be further developed for accelerating breeding for yield and stress responses.