Cover crops and below ground biodiversity (MILLER_J17ICASE) Current Project uri icon


  • Cover crops and below ground biodiversity - measuring the potential of different farming systems to improve soil fertility. This project is a distinctive opportunity to look at soil biodiversity with trials that have been established for more than 10 years. Cover or break crops can provide a green manure that improves soil fertility providing a more sustainable rotation agricultural system. For example, cover crops in rotation with winter wheat have been shown to provide benefits for yield and soil structure, but little is known of what drives these effects. This project will use field trials to provide new insights into understanding how cover crops can impact on below ground diversity and soil fertility. The student will be trained in molecular and biochemical techniques and will have an opportunity to learn how to use new soil sensors for monitoring nutrient availability. Molecular methods for monitoring soil microbes and their activities will be taught. The project will develop a unique suite of measurements that will help define and quantify soil health.