PHOTOWHEAT: Exploiting variation in stomatal dynamics and ear photosynthesis to optimise wheat productivity. Current Project uri icon


  • World demand for food is growing and it has been estimated that a 50% increase in yield will be needed to meet the increasing demand due to the growing world population. This situation is further exacerbated by the changing climate and the competing demand for plants as biofuels. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere into carbohydrates and other chemical compounds, which are used for growth. Photosynthesis takes place in all green parts of the plants and although most research focuses on leaf photosynthesis, recent studies have shown that ear photosynthesis is important for graining yield, particularly when leaves maybe damaged or stressed. Furthermore, in order for leaf photosynthesis to take place CO2 must enter the leaf through adjustable stomatal pores and at the same time water is lost through these pores cooling the leaf down. It is important to maintain an optimal leaf temperature for photosynthesis, as high temperatures greatly reduce photosynthesis and crop yield. Stomata are continually adjusting to changing environmental conditions to balance CO2 uptake with water loss. The greater the speed at which stomata react to such changes in the dynamic environment the better they can coordinate CO2 and leaf temperature which leads to optimal photosynthesis and grain yield. The aim of this research proposal is to identify wheat lines and the genes behind enhanced stomatal dynamics for optimal leaf temperature and enhanced ear photosynthesis for breeders to use to increase wheat yields. Using a MAGIC wheat breeding population will allow us to identify specific DNA regions and deliver selected wheat parental lines for future breeding programmes. In the past new crop varieties have been produced by crossing together existing strains with traits of interest. This undirected approach did not always lead to the selections of strains displaying higher crop yields. Nowadays, genetic fingerprinting of varieties allows us to precisely identify good progeny. MAGIC wheat breeding populations work on this principle and rely on crossing several founder lines (or parents) to produce a diverse population with a genetic map. We will use a MAGIC population of wheat to find gene regions which lead to high ear photosynthesis and rapid stomatal movements which are beneficial traits for future breeding programmes aimed at increasing food productivity.
