selected publications
- A dataset of CMIP6-based climate scenarios for climate change impact assessment in Great Britain. Data in Brief. 2024
- Enriched soil amendments influenced soil fertility, herbage yield and bioactive principle of medicinal plant (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) grown in two different soils. Heliyon. 2024
- A high-yielding traits experiment for modeling potential production of wheat: field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations. Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research. 2023
- Towards stability of food production and farm income in a variable climate. Ecological Economics. 2023
- Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential. Environmental Research Letters. 2022
- Global wheat production could benefit from closing the genetic yield gap. Nature Food. 2022
- Global wheat production could benefit from closing the genetic yield gap. Nature Food. 2022
- Simulation of winter wheat response to variable sowing dates and densities in a high-yielding environment. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2022
- Simulation of winter wheat response to variable sowing dates and densities in a high-yielding environment.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2022
- Vulnerability of European wheat to extreme heat and drought around flowering under future climate. Environmental Research Letters. 16:24052. 2021
- Local impacts of climate change on winter wheat in Great Britain 2021
- Local impacts of climate change on winter wheat in Great Britain. 2021
- Stability of farm income: The role of agricultural diversity and agri-environment scheme payments. Agricultural Systems. 2021
- Stability of farm income: The role of agricultural diversity and agri-environment scheme payments. Agricultural Systems. 2021
- Vulnerability of European wheat to extreme heat and drought around flowering under future climate. Environmental Research Letters. 2021
- Adverse weather conditions for UK wheat production under climate change.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 107862. 2020
- Substantial genetic yield gap estimated for wheat in Europe 2020
- Large genetic yield potential and genetic yield gap estimated for wheat in Europe. Global Food Security. 24:100340. 2020
- Adverse weather conditions for UK wheat production under climate change.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2020
- Large genetic yield potential and genetic yield gap estimated for wheat in Europe. Global Food Security. 2020
- Substantial increase in yield predicted by wheat ideotypes for Europe under future climate 2020
- Substantial increase in yield predicted by wheat ideotypes for Europe under future climate 2020
- Large increase in yield is predicted by wheat ideotypes for Europe under future climate. Global Change Biology. 2019
- Raising genetic yield potential in high productive countries: Designing wheat ideotypes under climate change.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 271:33-45. 2019
- Drought tolerance during reproductive development is important for increasing wheat yield potential under climate change in Europe.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70:2549-2560. 2019
- Assessing yield gap in high productive countries by designing wheat ideotypes.. Scientific Reports. 9:5516. 2019
- Assessing yield gap in high productive countries by designing wheat ideotypes.. Scientific Reports. 2019
- Drought tolerance during reproductive development is important for increasing wheat yield potential under climate change in Europe.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2019
- Modeling Carbon and Water Fluxes of Managed Grasslands: Comparing Flux Variability and Net Carbon Budgets between Grazed and Mowed Systems 2019
- Raising genetic yield potential in high productive countries: Designing wheat ideotypes under climate change.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2019
- Modelling daily to seasonal carbon fluxes and annual net ecosystem carbon balance of cereal grain-cropland using DailyDayCent: A model data comparison. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2018
- Modelling heat, water and carbon fluxes in mown grassland under multi-objective and multi-criteria constraints. Environmental Modelling and Software. 2016
- Modelling nitrous oxide emissions from mown-grass and grain-cropping systems: Testing and sensitivity analysis of DailyDayCent using high frequency measurements. Science of The Total Environment. 2016
- Response to Letter to the Editor "Comments on "Modelling soil organic carbon storage with RothC in irrigated Vertisols under cotton cropping systems in the sub-tropics" (Nimai Senapati, Nilantha R. Hulugalle, Pete Smith, Brian R. Wilson, Jagadeesh B. Yeluripati, Heiko Daniel, Subhadip Ghosh, Peter Lockwood. Soil & Tillage Research 143 (2014) 38-49). Soil & Tillage Research. 2016
- Organic amendments and their influence on Vertisol and cotton quality: a review.. SATSA Mukhaptra Annual Technical Issue. 2015
- Towards management practices for sustainable agriculture: modelling initiative. SATSA Mukhaptra Annual Technical Issue. 2015
- Use of ley-arable rotations improves greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon balance. Fourrages. 2015
- Modelling soil organic carbon storage with RothC in irrigated Vertisols under cotton cropping systems in the sub-tropics. Soil & Tillage Research. 2014
- Net carbon storage measured in a mowed and grazed temperate sown grassland shows potential for carbon sequestration under grazed system. Carbon Management. 2014
- Projections of changes in grassland soil organic carbon under climate change are relatively insensitive to methods of model initialization. European Journal of Soil Science. 2013
- Reproducibility of a soil organic carbon fractionation method to derive RothC carbon pools. European Journal of Soil Science. 2013
- Organic amendments influence soil quality and carbon sequestration in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2012
- Impact of soil amendments on organic carbon pools under a rice-wheat cropping system.. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Symposium 2.2.2 Dynamics of organic material in soils. 2010
- Management of soil quality and carbon sequestration with long-term application of organic amendments.. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Symposium 2.2.2 Dynamics of organic material in soils. 2010
- Soil aggregation and carbon and nitrogen stabilization in relation to residue and manure application in rice-wheat systems in northwest India. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2010