Ober, Eric Person

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selected publications
- Exploring natural genetic diversity in a bread wheat multi-founder population: dual imaging of photosynthesis and stomatal kinetics. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2024
- Longer epidermal cells underlie a quantitative source of variation in wheat flag leaf size.. New Phytologist. 2023
- Phenomic and genomic prediction of yield on multiple locations in winter wheat.. Frontiers in Genetics. 2023
- Reactive nitrogen fluxes from soils to atmosphere in baby corn based cropping system 2023
- A toolkit to rapidly modify root systems through single plant selection. Plant Methods. 2022
- AirMeasurer: openāsource software to quantify static and dynamic traits derived from multiseason aerial phenotyping to empower genetic mapping studies in rice 2022
- Grain carbon isotope composition is a marker for allocation and harvest index in wheat. Plant, Cell & Environment. 2022
- The Other Mechanisms by Which the Rht Genes Improve the Harvest Index of Wheat. Plants. 2022
- Breeding crops for climate resilience. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2021
- Large-scale field phenotyping using backpack LiDAR and CropQuant-3D to measure structural variation in wheat. Plant Physiology. 2021
- Nitrate leaching from applied fertilizer is reduced by precision nitrogen management in baby corn cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2021
- Wheat root systems as a breeding target for climate resilience.. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2021
- Effects of breeding history and crop management on the root architecture of wheat. Plant and Soil. 452:587-600. 2020
- Effects of breeding history and crop management on the root architecture of wheat. bioRxiv. 2020
- Effects of breeding history and crop management on the root architecture of wheat.. Plant and Soil. 2020
- The importance of accurate developmental staging. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020
- Genotypic, Developmental and Environmental Effects on the Rapidity of gs in Wheat: Impacts on Carbon Gain and Water-Use Efficiency.. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:492. 2019
- The effects of training population design on genomic prediction accuracy in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132:1943-1952. 2019
- AquaCropR: Crop Growth Model for R 2019
- Genotypic, Developmental and Environmental Effects on the Rapidity of gs in Wheat: Impacts on Carbon Gain and Water-Use Efficiency.. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019
- Review: New sensors and data-driven approaches-A path to next generation phenomics.. Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology. 2019
- The effects of training population design on genomic prediction accuracy in wheat.. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2019
- The effects of training population design on genomic prediction accuracy in wheat. bioRxiv. 443267. 2018
- A Two-Part Strategy for Using Genomic Selection to Develop Inbred Lines. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2017
- Methods to estimate changes in soil water for phenotyping root activity in the field. Plant and Soil. 2017
- GplusE: beyond genomic selection.. Food and Energy Security. 2015
- Genotypic differences in deep water extraction associated with drought tolerance in wheat. Functional Plant Biology. 2014
- Understanding the impact of crop and food production on the water environment--using sugar as a model.. Journal of the science of food and agriculture.. 2014
- Measurement of the matric potential of soil water in the rhizosphere.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2013
- Genetic and management approaches to boost UK wheat yields by ameliorating water deficits. Journal of Experimental Botany. 62:5241-5248. 2011
- Genetic and management approaches to boost UK wheat yields by ameliorating water deficits.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2011
- Genetic and management approaches to boost UK wheat 2011
- Abiotic Stress in Sugar Beet 2010
- Possible changes to arable crop yields by 2050.. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 2010
- Capture and use of solar radiation, water, and nitrogen by sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.).. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2009
- Genotypic variation for water use efficiency, carbon isotope discrimination, and potential surrogate measures in sugar beet 2009
- Genetic characteristics of water-use related traits in sugar beet. Euphytica.. 2008
- A preliminary study on genotypic differences in transcript abundance of drought-responsive genes in sugar beet.. Pakistan journal of biological sciences : PJBS. 2007
- Using multi-environment sugar beet variety trials to screen for drought tolerance.. Field crops research.. 2006
- Evaluation of physiological traits as indirect selection criteria for drought tolerance in sugar beet.. Field crops research.. 2005
- Proteome analysis of sugar beet leaves under drought stress 2005
- Assessing the genetic resources to improve drought tolerance in sugar beet: agronomic traits of diverse genotypes under droughted and irrigated conditions.. Field Crops Research. 2004
- Electrophysiological responses of maize roots to low water potentials: relationship to growth and ABA accumulation.. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2003
- Genotypic variation for drought tolerance in Beta vulgaris.. Annals of Botany. 2002
- Root growth and oxygen relations at low water potentials. Impact Of oxygen availability in polyethylene glycol solutions. Plant Physiology. 1998
- A microsensor for direct measurement of O2partial pressure within plant tissues3. Journal of Experimental Botany. 1996
- Proline Accumulation in Maize (Zea mays L.) Primary Roots at Low Water Potentials (I. Requirement for Increased Levels of Abscisic Acid).. Plant Physiology. 1994
- Water deficit induces abscisic Acid accumulation in endosperm of maize viviparous mutants.. Plant Physiology. 1992
- Influence of water deficit on maize endosperm development : enzyme activities and RNA transcripts of starch and zein synthesis, abscisic Acid, and cell division.. Plant Physiology. 1991
- Timing of Kernel Development in Water-stressed Maize: Water Potentials and Abscisic Acid Concentrations. Annals of Botany. 1990
- Developing drought-resistant cereals 2024
- Annual Plant Reviews online. Annual Plant Reviews online. 2018
- The Molecular and Physiological Basis of Nutrient Use Efficiency in Crops. The Molecular and Physiological Basis of Nutrient Use Efficiency in Crops. 2011
- Large-scale field phenotyping using backpack LiDAR and GUI-based CropQuant-3D to measure structural responses to different nitrogen treatments in wheat 2021
- Salt Stress and Sugar Beet Improvement: Challenges and Opportunities. Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes. 2014
- Maintaining Root Growth in Drying Soil. Plant Roots. 2013
- Molecular Aspects of Crop Response to Abiotic Stress with Emphasis on Drought and Salinity. Molecular Approaches in Plant Abiotic Stress. 2013
- Breeding for Improved Drought Tolerance. Crop Production for Agricultural Improvement. 2012
- Regulation of root growth responses to water deficit. Advances in Molecular Breeding Toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops.
- Water Use and Irrigation. Sugar Beet.
external to wheat
principal investigator on
- Reducing nitrogen impacts in northern Indian cropping systems: realising production and environmental benefits 2020 - 2022
- IWYP Call 2: Rooty-A root ideotype toolbox to support improved wheat yields 2018 - 2022
- Optimising oat yield and quality to deliver sustainable production and economic impact (Opti-Oat) 2015 - 2019
- GplusE: Genomic selection and Environment modelling for next generation wheat breeding 2015 - 2018