LEAP-AGRI - A long term EU-Africa research and innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture Completed Project uri icon


  • The objective of LEAP-AGRI is to fulfil the ambition of the Europe Africa dialogue in Science and Technology (the HLPD) to launch a joint flagship initiative on its chosen priority area: Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). This partnership will increase investments in research and innovation through coordinated bi-regional (EU/Africa) mechanisms aimed at reducing fragmentation. These mechanisms will be based on two complementary approaches: - The preparation and implementation of a joint call for proposals for collaborative R&I projects between European and African partners which will contribute to the coordination and increase of joint activities between R&I institutions, and their programmes across European Union Member States (and Associated countries) and African countries. It will pool the financial resources from 22 countries for a total of over €28 M, including EC participation; - The identification and test of innovative instruments for alignment and collaboration in research, innovation, capacity strengthening and infrastructure development, especially targeting the implication - together with the national research agencies - of foundations, development agencies, private sector, and civil-society organizations. In consultation with the relevant stakeholder communities, including European and African governments, a joint Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in the FNSSA domain will be defined. In these objectives, LEAP-AGRI aligns with the scope and expected impacts of the Horizon 2020 Challenge 2/ SFS 41 2016-2017 topic “EU-Africa Research and Innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture” in all aspect. Building on earlier experiences such as ERAfrica, PRO-IntensAfrica and ERA-ARD, LEAP-AGRI will be guided by strong partnership principles such as equitability, shared governance and long-term commitment to the partnership by organisations who have relationships of trust for many years.

date/time interval

  • December 1, 2016 - November 30, 2022
