research area of
- Bajwa, A.A., The University of Queensland
- Battude, M.
- Bauer, Felix
- Becker-Reshef, I., University of Maryland College Park
- Berry, Simon
- Boogaard, H.
- Boogaard, Hendrik, Wageningen University and Research Centre
- Brombacher, J.
- Ciccone, Giulia
- Cintas, Juanma
- Cockram, J, The John Bingham Laboratory, NIAB, Cambridge, CB3 0LE, United Kingdom
- Cockram, James, The John Bingham Laboratory, NIAB, Cambridge, CB3 0LE, United Kingdom
- Corsi, Beatrice
- Day, Rob
- Degerickx, J.
- Ewert, F., ZALF, Muncheberg, Germany
- Faralli, Michele, Harper Adams University
- Franch, B., Goddard Space Flight Center
- Fritz, S.
- Galle, Alexander
- Gardner, Keith A., National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
- Gilliams, Sven
- Grosu, A.
- Hermes, Normen
- Jacobs, John, Norwich Research Park
- Karanam, S.
- Klotzsche, Anja
- Koetz, B.
- Laso Bayas, Juan Carlos, University of Hohenheim
- Lawson, Tracy, University of Essex
- Lesiv, M.
- Lopez, Gina
- Lärm, Lena
- Mccormick-Barnes, Charlie, University of Manchester
- Mellers, Greg, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
- Moletto-Lobos, Italo
- Mollà-Bononad, B.
- Nguyen, Thuy Huu, University of Bonn
- Ober, Eric, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, CB3 0LE, United Kingdom
- Ober, Eric, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, CB3 0LE, United Kingdom
- Parvin, Shahnaj, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Parvin, Shahnaj, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Pratihast, Arun Kumar
- Rie, Jeroen Van
- Rose, M. T.
- Rose, Terry J., Southern Cross University
- Rotondo, Marilena
- Sandral, Graeme
- Schnepf, A., Forschungszentrum Juelich
- Seidel, Sabine Julia
- Sobrino, Jose A.
- Szantoi, Z.
- Sánchez del Rio, Ana
- Tricht, K.
- Uddin, S, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Uddin, S, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- van der Kruk, Jan
- Van-Tricht, Kristof
- Vanderborght, Jan, Forschungszentrum Juelich
- Vereecken, Harry, Forschungszentrum Juelich
- Zanaga, D.
- Zanella, Camila M
- Zwieten, Lukas Van, Nanjing Agricultural University