publication venue for
- Evaluation of the Usefulness of Fermented Liquid Organic Formulations and Manures for Improving the Soil Fertility and Productivity of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) 2023
- Precision Nutrient Management in Zero-Till Direct-Seeded Rice Influences the Productivity, Profitability, Nutrient, and Water Use Efficiency as Well as the Environmental Footprint in the Indo Gangetic Plain of India 2023
- Biofortification of Soybean (Glycine max L.) through FeSO4·7H2O to Enhance Yield, Iron Nutrition and Economic Outcomes in Sandy Loam Soils of India 2022
- Nutrient Release from Vermicompost under Anaerobic Conditions in Two Contrasting Soils of Bangladesh and Its Effect on Wetland Rice Crop 2022
- Determinants of farmers’ confidence in agricultural production recovery during the early phases of the covid-19 pandemic in China 2021
- Ergot Alkaloid Contents in Hybrid Rye are Reduced by Breeding 2021
- Evaluation of Leaf Rust Resistance in the Spanish Core Collection of Tetraploid Wheat Landraces and Association with Ecogeographical Variables 2021
- Evaluation of farmers’ ecological cognition in responses to specialty orchard fruit planting behavior: Evidence in shaanxi and ningxia, china 2021
- The Use of Municipal Solid Waste Compost in Combination with Proper Irrigation Scheduling Influences the Productivity, Microbial Activity and Water Use Efficiency of Direct Seeded Rice 2021
- Diversity and Management Strategies of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Moroccan Organic Farming and Their Relationship with Soil Physico-Chemical Properties 2020
- Early detection of zymoseptoria tritici in winter wheat by infrared thermography 2019
- Advances in Integrating Genomics and Bioinformatics in the Plant Breeding Pipeline 2018
- Durum Wheat Breeding: In the Heat of the Senegal River 2018