publication venue for
- Assessing the impact of rice-wheat-maize residue decomposition rate and nutrient dynamics of residue and soil using different placement method in the IGP of India 2024
- Barley and wheat beta-glucan content influenced by weather, fertilization, and genotype 2024
- Both yields of maize and soybean and soil carbon sequestration in typical Mollisols cropland decrease under future climate change SPACSYS simulation 2024
- Bundling subsurface drip irrigation with no-till provides a window to integrate mung bean with intensive cereal systems for improving resource use efficiency 2024
- Can fiscal expenditure for agriculture mitigate the impact of climate change on agricultural production? 2024
- Corrigendum: Effects of varied nutrient regimes on soil health and long-term productivity in a rice–wheat system: insights from a 29-year study in the mollisols of the Himalayan Tarai region (Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, (2023), 7, (1206878), 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1206878) 2024
- Empirical observation of natural farming inputs on nitrogen uptake, soil health, and crop yield of rice-wheat cropping system in the organically managed Inceptisol of Trans Gangetic plain 2024
- Ergonomics assessment of drudgery in rice-wheat production system in India: a case study of women farmers 2024
- Exploring the influence of internet technology adoption on the technical efficiency of food production: insight from wheat farmers 2024
- Gender, social, household, and ecological factors influencing wheat trait preferences among the women and men farmers in India 2024
- Impact of farm mechanization on crop productivity and economic efficiency in central and southern Oromia, Ethiopia 2024
- Innovative organic nutrient management and land arrangements improve soil health and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in an organic farming system 2024
- Kansas agriculture in 2050: a pathway for climate-resilient crop production 2024
- Modeling the growth, yield and N dynamics of wheat for decoding the tillage and nitrogen nexus in 8-years long-term conservation agriculture based maize-wheat system 2024
- Nitrification and urease inhibitors reduce gaseous N losses and improve nitrogen use efficiency in wheat exposed to elevated CO2 and temperature 2024
- Nurturing the sustainable food systems: crafting policies and practices for crop diversification in Bangladesh 2024
- Optimizing residue return with soil moisture and nutrient stoichiometry reduced greenhouse gas fluxes in Alfisols 2024
- Polyhalite improves growth, yield, and quality and reduces insect pest incidence in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in the semiarid tropics 2024
- Potential for and impacts of mainstreaming diversification crops through institutional catering 2024
- Productivity, water use efficiency and soil properties of sugarcane as influenced by trash mulching and irrigation regimes under different planting systems in sandy loam soils 2024
- Residue retention and precision nitrogen management effects on soil physicochemical properties and productivity of maize-wheat-mungbean system in Indo-Gangetic Plains 2024
- Responses of potential double cropping areas expansion and appropriate crop management practices to climate change in northern China 2024
- Rice residue management alternatives and nitrogen optimization: impact on wheat productivity, microbial dynamics, and enzymatic activities 2024
- Short-term residual effects of occasional tillage on crop performance, soil water, and water-use efficiency in a 10-year no-till system under a dry Mediterranean climate 2024
- The influence of soil types and agricultural management practices on soil chemical properties and microbial dynamics 2024
- Wheat productivity and nitrogen use efficiency in no-till systems: a comparative analysis of crop-pasture and continuous cropping rotations in Uruguay 2024
- Amélioration de la croissance du blé grâce à des micronutriments enrichis en biochar sous stress salin 2023
- Analyse comparative du blé semé à la machine et du blé semé à la main sur la productivité des cultures et de l'eau, et la rentabilité dans le cadre du système de gestion de l'intensification du blé 2023
- Biofortification of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with zinc and manganese lead to improve the grain yield and quality in sandy loam soil 2023
- Biofortification of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with zinc and manganese lead to improve the grain yield and quality in sandy loam soil 2023
- Combining ability estimates for quality and non-quality protein maize inbred lines for grain yield, agronomic, and quality traits 2023
- Coupling crop simulation modelling and multi-criteria decision aid for ranking the sustainability of cropping sequences 2023
- Coupling crop simulation modelling and multi-criteria decision aid for ranking the sustainability of cropping sequences 2023
- Current data and modeling bottlenecks for predicting crop yields in the United Kingdom 2023
- Development of a novel nutritional assessment model based on strontium and other compositional factors in apples across seven regions in China 2023
- Diversifying agrifood systems to ensure global food security following the Russia–Ukraine crisis 2023
- Editorial: Crop biofortification for food security in developing countries – volume II 2023
- Effects of varied nutrient regimes on soil health and long-term productivity in a rice-wheat system: insights from a 29-year study in the mollisols of the Himalayan Tarai region 2023
- Effects of varied nutrient regimes on soil health and long-term productivity in a rice–wheat system: insights from a 29-year study in the mollisols of the Himalayan Tarai region 2023
- Farmers in the transition toward sustainability : what is the role of their entrepreneurial identity? 2023
- Food production potential and environmental sustainability of different integrated farming system models in northwest India 2023
- Growth, nodulation, yield, nitrogen uptake, and economics of lentil as influenced by sowing time, tillage, and management practices 2023
- Heat stress in wheat: a global challenge to feed billions in the current era of the changing climate 2023
- Heat stress in wheat: a global challenge to feed billions in the current era of the changing climate 2023
- Impact du travail du sol contrasté, du paillis de résidus et de la gestion de l'azote sur la qualité du sol et la productivité du système sous rotation maïs-blé dans les plaines indo-gangétiques du nord-ouest 2023
- Implications of minimum tillage and integrated nutrient management on yield and soil health of rice-lentil cropping system - being a resource conservation technology 2023
- Implications of minimum tillage and integrated nutrient management on yield and soil health of rice-lentil cropping system – being a resource conservation technology 2023
- Inoculation with rhizobacterial consortia alleviates combined water and phosphorus deficit stress in intercropped faba bean and wheat 2023
- La labranza reducida y la fertirrigación subterránea mejoran la productividad y los beneficios económicos en el sistema de cultivo de algodón-trigo 2023
- Lasting effect of Urochloa brizantha on a common bean-wheat-maize rotation in a medium-term no-till system 2023
- Managing climatic risks in rice–wheat cropping system for enhanced productivity in middle Gangetic plains of India 2023
- Monitoring the effect of integrated nutrient management practices on soil health in maize-based cropping system 2023
- Monitoring the effect of integrated nutrient management practices on soil health in maize-based cropping system 2023
- Optical sensor-based nitrogen management: an environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach for sustainable wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production on Eastern plains of India 2023
- Pratiques de gestion des nutriments basées sur le travail du sol pour maintenir la productivité et la santé des sols dans le système de culture soja-blé dans les vertisols des tropiques semi-arides indiennes 2023
- Precise macronutrient application can improve cane yield and nutrient uptake in widely spaced plant-ratoon cycles in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India 2023
- Precise macronutrient application can improve cane yield and nutrient uptake in widely spaced plant-ratoon cycles in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India 2023
- Productivity, water and nitrogen utilization of intensified dryland farming with annual forages on the Chinese Loess plateau 2023
- Rooted in richness: unearthing the economic and ecological synergy of crop rotation 2023
- Unveiling the combined effect of nano fertilizers and conventional fertilizers on crop productivity, profitability, and soil well-being 2023
- Breeding implications of nodulation performance and root structure under natural inoculation for soil fertility enhancement and sustainable cowpea production 2022
- Editorial: Insights in crop biology and sustainability: 2021 2022
- Editorial: Crop Biofortification for Food Security in Developing Countries 2021
- Site-Specific Factors Influence the Field Performance of a Zn-Biofortified Wheat Variety 2020
- Nutrient-Dense Orange-Fleshed Sweetpotato: Advances in Drought-Tolerance Breeding and Understanding of Management Practices for Sustainable Next-Generation Cropping Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Landscape-based nutrient application in wheat and teff mixed farming systems of Ethiopia: farmer and extension agent demand driven approach 2023