A roadmap for gene functional characterisation in crops with large genomes: Lessons from polyploid wheat
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publication date
- 2020
published in
- eLife Journal
output of process or event
- 15-IWYP: Molecular Dissection of Spike Yield Components in Wheat Current Project
- A multi-R gene stack for durable resistance to wheat stem rust Current Project
- A pipeline for rapid cloning of stem rust resistance genes effective against Ug99 from wild diploid wheat relatives Current Project
- A wheat pan-genomics platform for enhanced genetic dissection of agronomic traits Current Project
- Cloning wheat rust resistance genes by sequence capture on structured populations Current Project
- DFW - Designing Future Wheat - Work package 2 (WP2) - Added value and resilience Current Project
- DFW - Designing Future Wheat - Work package 4 (WP4) - Data access and analysis Current Project
- Genetic mechanisms underlying wheat QTL for important agronomic traits Current Project
- MAGIC Yield: Deploying MAGIC Populations for Rapid Development of Genetic Markers for Yield Improvement in Elite UK Winter Wheat Current Project
- Rapid identification disease resistance genes from plant genomes by resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) of EMS-derived susceptible mutants Current Project
- Releasing natural variation in bread wheat by modulating meiotic crossovers Current Project
- The wheat Diverse MAGIC platform: Community Access to Resources, Protocols and Tools Current Project
- Understanding the molecular control of senescence and nutrient remobilisation in wheat Current Project
- Wheat floral organ size and its effects on grain size Current Project