Wheat floral organ size and its effects on grain size Current Project uri icon


  • Wheat in its diverse forms (for example bread, pasta, and biscuits), accounts for over 20% of the calories consumed by humans globally. Wheat also provides over 20% of protein intake, more than all meat sources combined. This means that every person on the planet consumes the grains of almost 50 wheat plants per day, every day. There is an increased demand for wheat driven by the increase in (urban) population and the changes in dietary habits (more meat derived products which use wheat as animal feed). In the backdrop of a changing climate, it is imperative and urgent that we intensify global wheat production sustainably using science-based solutions. This proposal aims to generate scientific knowledge which will be used to deliver genetic solutions to improve yield in farmers' fields. Crop yield is a complicated trait to study given that it is controlled by many genes and it is also affected by the environment, similar to intelligence in humans. To make progress towards understanding yield, we study its individual components, namely the number of wheat spikes in a given area, the number of grains in each spike, and the weight of each individual grain. We specifically focus on grain weight as it is the most stably inherited trait, meaning we can achieve greater improvements through genetic solutions. Each wheat grain, within each spike, is surrounded by structures which affect its final size and are correlated with its final weight. Some wheat types, called Polish wheat that were first described by the famous botanist Linnaeus in 1762, have very long flower structures that lead to very long grains. We have shown that transferring this feature to UK varieties increases grain weight by over 6%. We have recently identified a strong candidate for the gene controlling the long flower structure and grain size trait. This gene is a transcription factor, meaning that it turns other genes on and off. This suggests that it coordinates how flowers and grains develop. We compared the gene from Polish wheat with UK wheat varieties and found that the two versions of the gene were almost identical, apart from a small region which most likely affects how and where the transcription factor is active. We hypothesise that changing where and when this transcription factor is turned on affects the final grain weight in wheat. In this project we will determine how the transcription factor affects flower structures and grain size. We will first determine precisely where and when the gene is expressed in UK and Polish wheat. We will use the latest imaging techniques, such as CT scans (like CAT scanners for humans), to look inside the spike and determine how the flower structures and the grains become bigger in Polish wheat (more cells, larger cells, etc). We will use innovative methods to precisely define if the larger grains are a direct effect of having larger flower structures, or if we can achieve larger grains independent of their size. We will characterise the small region of the gene which is distinct between UK and Polish wheat to define how this small difference leads to the dramatic effects on grain size. This will help identify other proteins that might turn the transcription factor on or off. Finally, we will use genomic technology to identify which genes are turned off and on by the transcription factor across flower structures and grains. This in-depth understanding will allow us to come up with the most rationale approaches to improve yield, not only in wheat, but also in other crops such as rice whose grain size is restricted by the same floral organs. We will continue our dialogue with breeding companies to ensure this knowledge is taken up swiftly and transferred into UK varieties. We will also work with international partners to ensure that the knowledge is spread worldwide. In this way, we aim to deliver genetic solutions that will impact globally on humankind.
