output of process or event
- 15-IWYP -Wider and faster: high-throughout phenotypic exploration of novel genetic variation for breeding high biomass and yield in wheat Current Project
- 15-IWYP. A genetic diversity toolkit to maximise harvest index by controlling the duration of developmental phases Current Project
- A multi-channel liquid handler for the Bristol Genomics facility Current Project
- Australia Partnering Award: Are wheat introgressions the breeders' friend or foe? Current Project
- CerealsDB: A community resource for wheat genomics Current Project
- Characterising the genes responsible for segregation distortion in wheat Current Project
- DFW - Designing Future Wheat - Work package 3 (WP3) - Germplasm Current Project
- Development and validation of a flexible genotyping platform for wheat Current Project
- High throughput sample handling for high throughput genomics Current Project
- Indo-UK Centre for the improvement of Nitrogen use Efficiency in Wheat (INEW) Current Project
- Purchase of Affymetrix GeneTitan for use in high throughput genotyping Current Project
- Releasing natural variation in bread wheat by modulating meiotic crossovers Current Project