CerealsDB: A community resource for wheat genomics Current Project uri icon


  • CerealsDB ( http://www.cerealsdb.uk.net/) is one of the most highly accessed wheat web sites with over 5,000 unique accesses per month. The reasons for CerealsDB's success are clear; it provides the community with sequence and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based information in a form accessible to and understandable by non-experts. While CerealsDB is successful, to remain of value to its users, it needs to develop in conjunction with the community's expectations. In addition, CerealsDB needs to expand its remit to include further interaction with other web sites such as the internationally based Wheat Initiative. This development is new to this application as in our previous work we developed tools specifically for the UK community rather than the global wheat community. However, although our previous work did focus on the UK community, the easy to use style of CerealsDB has already resulted in the web site becoming international recognised, with many of its users being from non-UK organisations. In this further development, CerealsDB will continue work with UK users to develop sequence and SNP-based resources; however, it will also extend its horizons to include interactions with international web-based resources and the exploitation of genomics resources such as the wheat reference sequence. This extension to its remit will result in an expanded audience for CerealsDB and more extensive tools and datasets being made available to the community.
