13TSB_N4L2CRD: High fibre wheat for healthier white bread Current Project uri icon


  • The aim of this industry led project is to increase the intake of soluble dietary fibre of the general population, providing Nutrition for Life to consumers of white bread, many of which are children. Today, almost 55% of all bread consumed is white bread with very little fibre content, and partly responsible for the low fibre intake by the majority of the population. This project will use already identified high fibre wheat to develop a wheat variety suitable for UK conditions with good bread making quality. KWS, the plant breeding company in the project, will work closely with academic partners to make this possible, while M&S will investigate the quality and nutritional value of bread made from high soluble fibre wheat, as well as exploit initial market opportunities. This project involving a unique composition of plant breeders, retail industry, quality and genetic experts will only be feasible with financial support from TSB.